The British Consul General of Hong Kong and Macao Dai Wei Shen told the Hong Kong media that the British National Overseas Against Plan for Hong Kong people for Hong Kong people will continue at least until the British election in 2025.

Brian Davidson said in an interview published on Thursday (May 4th), the website of the South China Morning Post, Hong Kong.Will it continue.

Dai Weishen does not think that the BNO visa plan has led to the loss of talents in Hong Kong in recent years, and said that the Hong Kong government should try to let talents return.

After the struggle against the amendment of the fugitive regulations in Hong Kong in 2019, the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect the following year.In 2021, the United Kingdom allowed Hong Kong people to apply for visas with BNO identity, live, study and work in the UK for five years. After that, they can apply for British citizenship applications and say that they have fulfilled their historical and moral commitments to Hong Kong people.Nearly 3 million Hong Kong people are eligible to apply for a visa under this plan.

Dai Weishen also said that Britain hopes to improve the relationship with Hong Kong and reduce "loudspeaker diplomacy".