For the decline in the school -age population, the Hong Kong government will introduce appropriate policies to ensure "soft landing".

According to the Sing Tao Daily report, before the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao attended the Executive Assembly on Tuesday (May 2), when the reporter asked the Hong Kong school -age population to continue to fall and the primary and secondary schools were inadequate, he made the above.Response.

Li Jiachao recognizes the decline of the classmate's population is a long -term trend, saying that the government will handle it in accordance with the established procedures, including merging and reorganization to ensure the learning rights of school children.He said that he was not worried that there would be a "closing school tide".

Li Jiachao said that Hong Kong society is an export -oriented society. Some people leave, and some people see development opportunities to come to Hong Kong to take root. This ups and downs is common.He believes that with the normal customs clearance of Hong Kong and the mainland and overseas, more people will be willing to live in Hong Kong. "If they leave Hong Kong for various reasons in the past, there will be better reasons to attract them to come back in the future."