
Hong Kong and Macao Sudden Search

The "High -end Talent Public Permit Plan" launched by the Hong Kong government to "grab talents" has received more than 20,000 applications so far, which is far more popular than official expectations.A few days ago, Sun Yuzheng, the director of the Labor and Welfare Bureau responsible for the plan, revealed that the official is considering the scope of expanding the qualification university to introduce more college graduates to work in Hong Kong.

In the past few years, Hong Kong has a serious shortage of human resources due to factors such as a large number of people immigrants and low birth rates and aging population.To this end, the Hong Kong Government announced a series of measures at the end of last year, including the establishment of specialty, talented and "Gao Cai Tong" plan, hoping to recruit talents from all over the world to come to Hong Kong to supplement the lack of manpower.Among many measures, "Gao Cai Tong" has attracted most attention.

This is because the threshold of "Gao Cai Tong" is not very high. Young salary of more than 2.5 million Hong Kong dollars ($ 424,000) or youth who graduated from 100 universities in the world do not need to be hired in advance to develop in Hong Kong to developEssenceTherefore, even though other countries or regions such as Singapore, Japan, etc. are also grabbing talents, the launch of Hong Kong's "Gao Caitong" has received great attention from the outside world.

Coincidentally, when the "Gao Cai Tong" policy was launched, it was just a severe epidemic prevention policy in different cities in mainland China. The people's grievances were boiling. Many middle class and young people discussed how to "run".Although the Chinese government later relaxed the epidemic control measures, some people had lost confidence in government governance, so they applied for "Gao Caitong" to settle in Hong Kong, which led to a large number of applicants in the "Gao Cai Tong" in the past few months.

Some analysts believe that the strategy of grabbing talents in Hong Kong has begun to work.But it has to be said that many controversy has been derived from the launch of the plan.For example, pregnant women in the Mainland who have arrived in Hong Kong claimed that they had successfully used the "Gao Caitong" plan to successfully go to Hong Kong to produce children, and even opened experience in social groups to communicate with the mainland people.After disclosed by Hong Kong media, it attracted a critical voice on the Hong Kong network.

He Jiankui, a mainland scientist who had been sentenced to three years in the Mainland for three years due to the "Edit Baby" incident and the crime of illegal medical treatment in the Mainland. He was previously exposed to the approval of "Gao Caitong" approval in early February this year.EssenceThe Labor and Welfare Bureau eventually changed its regulations under the pressure of society, requiring applicants to declare a criminal record.But the incident has brought a lot of harm to the "Gao Cai Tong" plan.

Objectively speaking, the above two applicants seem to have drilled the "Gao Cai Tong" gray area, but their applications meet the procedures prescribed by the plan.From another perspective, this also reflects that in order to rush to grab talents, the Hong Kong government has been extremely negligent and strict in approval, which has weakened the credibility of "Gao Cai Tong".

However, to say that "Gao Cai Tong" has the biggest problem so far, it has to mention the applicant's background.The Hong Kong government first disclosed for the first time. Until February this year, the "Gao Cai Tong" plan approved a total of 8,797 applications, of which 95%were from the Mainland; among other regions, each of the applicants accounted for up to 1%of each region.There can be almost ignoring.

For a long time, Hong Kong is well -known globally with the health of the rule of law, high work efficiency, and freedom of life.But in recent years, the international perception of Hong Kong has changed a lot. Many foreigners who have been to Hong Kong have felt that Hong Kong has changed, especially the degree of freedom.The background of the applicant of "Gao Cai Tong" is too single, just to show that Hong Kong's attractiveness to international talents has declined.

This is a very dangerous signal.If Hong Kong wants to maintain internationalization, it will not be able to attract a single talent from the Mainland, and Hong Kong must maintain the attractiveness of Hong Kong to overseas talents.After all, mainland Chinese talents and Western talents have their own areas. If Western talents are unwilling to go to Hong Kong, in the long run, the characteristics of Hong Kong's "one country, two systems" will gradually lose their advantages.

In fact, although Hong Kong is still attractive to many mainlanders, it is also a big question whether the applicant will be transformed into Hong Kong's labor force.The Hong Kong Legislative Council issued a research report in 2020. It took the input of the Mainland talent plan launched in 2003 as an example. It pointed out that from 2003 to 2012, the Hong Kong government approved nearly 60,000 applications, but from 2010 to 2019In the end, only 12%became a permanent resident in Hong Kong after seven years.

Although the current lack of data has analyzed the effectiveness of the "Gao Cai Tong" plan, if you refer to past data, it is really doubtful whether the plan can absorb a large number of talents in Hong Kong.In fact, "Gao Caitong" did not require applicants to work. After many mainland applicants got the "Gao Caitong" quota, they may not come to Hong Kong to work.Make a travel visa.

On the other hand, there are also public opinion that the "Gao Caitong" plan will put pressure on the talent market of the Mainland.In recent years, countries including China have tried their best to recruit talents.The excellent policy conditions of "Gao Caitong" attract outstanding talents in the Mainland to Hong Kong, leading to a large number of talents in the Mainland, and may affect the relationship between the two places.

In short, the enthusiastic number of applicants for "Gao Caitong" cannot really explain that the plan is successful.Whether the strategy of grabbing talents in Hong Kong can work, in the long run, it still requires the Hong Kong government to improve the living environment of residents, including the real estate market that supports social facilities, stable and healthy development, in order to attract specialty to Hong Kong to develop and take root.