Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou's "cross-strait relations must believe Xi Jinping" must be believed in Xi Jinping ""After the statement was argued, Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate for the Kuomintang, emphasized that the current situation on the two sides of the strait is different from Ma Ying -jeou's office. Many of his claims are different from Ma Ying -jeou, and it shows that "there will be no unity issues in my tenure."

Ma Ying -jeou emphasized in an exclusive interview with the Voice of Germany on January 6 that the ease of tension and peaceful dialogue instead of preparation for military forces should be believed in cross -strait relations.After Ma Ying -jeou's remarks, Hou Youyi clarified on Wednesday (January 10) that his idea was somewhat different from Ma Ying -jeou, emphasizing that he had adhered to Taiwan's democracy and freedom system from the past to now, and opposed one country, two systems.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe News reported that Hou Youyi was asked at the international media press conference on Thursday (11th) at the international media press conference.The situation on both sides of the strait is not the same as Ma Ying -jeou at that time. In particular, it is an indisputable fact that the DPP's military risks are rising.

Hou Youyi said that in the face of different cross -strait relations, his intention to "never have unrealistic ideas" in mainland China would be pragmatic and steadily.

As for the past, Ma Ying -jeou met with Xi Jinping in Singapore. Hou Youyi said that many of Ma Ying -jeou's claims and opinions were different from himself. Cross -strait leaders had to meet and have social consensus in Taiwan, which would help Taiwan.He emphasized that "I will not touch the unified problem during my tenure", but "no matter what Xi Jinping is, we will be well prepared."

For reporters, Hou Youyi defines the choice of "peace and war" many times, which means whether there will be a decisive factor in war lies in Taiwan. Who is the biggest responsibility of the Taiwan Strait?Hou Youyi responded that in the face of military provocations in mainland China, Taiwan would condemn it, but "a slap is not loud." The DPP government did not face the risk of intensive intensive Taiwan Strait, which led to continued exchanges on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and had serious hatred.

He emphasized that no matter who caused it, the future president must find ways to change so that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait can enhance their understanding by exchanges.