The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President Xi Jinping and the General Secretary of the Workers' Party and Chairman of the State Council, Kim Jong -un, on Monday (January 1), mutual congratulations, and jointly announced that it would be determined to be "China -DPRK Friendship Year" in 2024.And start a series of activities.

According to China CCTV News, Xi Jinping pointed out in congratulations that China and North Korea are friendly neighbors connected to landscapes.In recent years, with the joint efforts and promotion of both parties, the traditional friendly and cooperative relationship between China and DPRK has entered a new historical period.The two sides closely have strategic communication, deepen pragmatic cooperation, strengthen coordination and cooperation in international multilateral affairs, promote the continuous development of China -DPRK relations, defend the common interests of the two countries, and safeguard regional peace and stability.

He emphasized that under the new situation and new situation, the Chinese party and the government have always looked at Sino -DPRK relations from a strategic height and long -term perspective, and maintenance, consolidation, and development of traditional and friendly cooperation between China and North KoreaPolice.

Xi Jinping said that China is willing to go with the DPRK to take the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the "China -DPRK Friendship Year" as an opportunity to promote traditional friendship, deepen strategic mutual trust, enhance exchanges and cooperation, promote Sino -DPRK relations and time with the timeGetting pace has achieved greater development, making new contributions to the maintenance of regional peace and stability.

According to the DPRK Central News Agency, Kim Jong -un said that the two parties and governments of the DPRK and China have identified this year as the "Friendship Year of the DPRK", which is in line with the people of the two countries to enter a new advancement in the socialist construction of the two countries.In the context of intricate international situations, we will follow the requirements and desires of the times to further sublimate and develop traditional friendly and cooperative relations in accordance with the requirements of the times.

He said that "the friendship between the North and China, which is consolidated in the struggle to build socialism, will be fully displayed this year."

Kim Jong -un also said that by this "friendly year of the DPRK", the two parties and two countries will be closely exchanged and exchanged in politics, economy, culture and other fields, further strengthen friendship and friendship and unity bonds.In the common struggle with the world's peaceful and stability, further coordination and coordination, compose a new page in the history of North Korea -China relations.