The Chinese ambassador to Japan, Wu Jianghao, was disturbed by the Japanese embassy by the Chinese embassy. He strictly negotiated with the Japanese side and urged the Japanese to deal with it in accordance with the law.

According to the news released by the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Japan (August 28), a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Japan in response to reporters in response to reporters, in response to the meeting of the ambassador Wu Jianghao in Japan, and the Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister metIn the question, Wu Jianghao should meet with the Japanese deputy foreign chief Okno Masaki on Monday afternoon.

The spokesman said that Wu Jianghao further clarified the strict position of the Chinese side on the issue of Fukushima nuclear waste water discharge, emphasizing that the Japanese side regardless of the strong questioning and opposition voices at home and abroad, and insisted on launching the Fukushima nuclear waste water to exhaust the sea and giving the world to the worldThe marine environment and the health and safety of all human beings have brought huge hidden risks and unpredictable harm, which aroused strong indignation including China in the international community in the country.

The Chinese Embassy in Japan said that there are serious problems in morality, science and law in the Japanese side. This wrong behavior should be stopped immediately.Accept the strict supervision of the international community, and effectively take a scientific, safe and transparent way to deal with nuclear waste water.

The spokesman also said that Wu Jianghao had a solemn negotiation on the Chinese embassy and consulate in Japan, saying that the Chinese embassy in Japan recently received a large number of harassment calls from Japan to the embassy and consulateNormal operation causes severe interference.China urges the Japanese to deal with it in accordance with the law to effectively ensure the personal safety of the Chinese embassies and consulates in Japan and Japanese institutions, enterprises, citizens and Chinese tourists in Japan.

In response to the Japanese side mentioned in China and the security of citizens in China, Wu Jianghao said that China will continue to protect the security of the Japanese embassies and consulates in China and the legitimate rights and interests of Japanese citizens in China.

After the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan processed the launch of the water discharge, domestic parts of China began to receive a large number of harassment calls from China.The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Okno Masako called the Chinese ambassador Wu Jianghao on Monday on Monday.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan issued a statement saying that Japanese facilities in China have also received harassment calls, and urged the Chinese government to take appropriate action immediately to ensure the safety of Japanese citizens in the country.