Chinese official media commented, "Housing does not live in houses do not live in houses."Stir -fried" is a general principle of promoting the steady and healthy development of the real estate market. It should not be changed, and it must be adhered to for a long time.

The Economic Daily published a comment article on Wednesday (August 23).

The article said that the Chinese real estate market is still in depth adjustment, and the real estate market in some cities still has downward pressure.Some people feel that "the house is not fried" is not suitable.The fact is that you still have to adhere to the positioning of "living in the house".

The article says that the Chinese real estate market has been differentiated. In some hot cities, the situation of supply is still existed. Once the housing prices are resurrected, it may take the old road of excessive relying on real estate, which will be unfavorable to economic and social development.Influence.

The article states that emphasizing that the background status of the real estate market and the role of the macroeconomic is not to re -re -rely on the old road of excessive relying on the real estate market and the rising house prices, which does not mean that house prices have to rise too quickly.The current series of policies that help markets to rise to rise are to promote the stable and healthy development of the market.In fact, the real estate industry will gradually enter the total amount of total and the track of steady development.In many cities, supply and demand is basically balanced, and even if the supply is greater than demand, it is no longer on the basis of excessive rise.

The article states that the real estate industry has the characteristics of "high leverage, high debt, and high turnover" during the rapid rise.Subsequent.Individual real estate companies have encountered some difficulties in their current operations, especially some leading real estate companies' debt risks.The real estate industry in the adjustment phase is amending the problems existing in the past and exploring a new model of real estate development.

The article believes that while insisting on the positioning of "housing does not stir -fry", China has also accelerated the construction of a multi -level housing supply system, clarifying the top -level design of housing security, with public rental housing, affordable leased housing, and co -ownership.Property housing focuses on promoting affordable housing construction.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Chinese real estate giants have recently fallen into a financial dilemma. Except for Evergrande, Country Garden, the largest private housing company in China, failed to pay debts on time this month.It is also in the crisis of debt defaults.

As the Chinese property market weakened again after a brief rebound at the beginning of the year, the Politburo meeting held at the end of July did not mention "housing and not frying", but instead required "adjusting and optimizing real estate policies in a timely manner."