China official said that China did not call the king's genetic genetically, and there was no impulse to play a big country. It firmly pursued the "Avenue's trip, the world is the public".

According to the China News Agency, on Tuesday (August 22) local time, the Chinese official who was visiting and attending the BRICS Summit in South Africa issued a closing ceremony to the Johannesburg BRICS Industry and Commerce Forum.Build a better speech of a better world.

Chinese officials say that at present, the changes of the world, the changes of the times, and the changes of history are just being unfolded in an unprecedented way, and human society has reached a key word.Do you adhere to cooperation and integration, or go to division and confrontation?Are you working together to maintain peace and stability or slip to the abyss of the "New Cold War"?Was it in the opening and inclusiveness, or is it depressed in the domineering bullying?Is it possible to enhance mutual trust in communication and mutual learning, or let arrogance and prejudice be blinded by conscience?Where the pendulum of history depends on our choice.

Chinese officials say that the world today is a community of fate of a glorious and losing damage.What people of all countries are looking forward to are not the "New Cold War", not "small circles", but a long -lasting peaceful and universal world, a world of common prosperity, openness, cleaning, and beautiful.This is the logic of historical progress and the trend of the development of the times.All countries must adhere to the correct world view, historical view, and overall situation, and transform the concept of building a community of human destiny into action and vision into reality.

He said that the rise of emerging market countries and developing countries represented by BRICS countries is fundamentally changing the world map.Regardless of how much resistance is, the positive, stable, and good power of the BRICS countries will flourish.BRICS countries will continue to deepen strategic partnership, expand the "BRICS+" model, actively promote the expansion process, deepen the unity with other emerging market countries and developing countries, promote the world's polarization and international relations, and promote the internationalOrder is developing in a more fair and reasonable direction.More than 20 countries are ranging the door of the BRICS. China sincerely welcome everyone to join the BRICS cooperation mechanism.

Chinese officials say that China has firmly pursued independent and independent peace foreign policies and is committed to promoting the establishment of a community of human destiny.As a member of the developing countries and "Global Southern", China has always been with other developing countries with the same destiny, strengthen the common interests of developing countries, and promote the representativeness of emerging market countries and developing countries in global affairs.And the right to speak.China has no genes that kings, and the impulse of the game of great powers. It is firmly standing in the correct side of history and firmly pursuing the "Avenue trip, the world is the public".