China ’s Ministry of National Security on Monday (August 21) also exposed a spy case involving the Central Intelligence Agency, which was involved in the US Central Intelligence Agency.

According to the official disclosure of the case, a "post -80s" cadre of the Chinese ministries and commissions Hao, a Chinese ministries and commissions, met the US embassy officials in Japan because of her visa in the United States during the study abroad.

The case shows that under the request of the other party, Hao returned to China to enter the "core key unit" to work. He also signed a spy agreement with the United States to receive assessment and training.Remuneration.

This is the second spy case involved in the Central Love Bureau in just two weeks in just two weeks.

On the 11th of this month, the Ministry of National Security also reported on the WeChat public account that a 52 -year -old military industry staff Zeng Moumou met a U.S. embassy official in Italy during the study of the Italian public.Subjects, ornamental operas are gradually closely related.

The notice stated that US officials showed the status of the Roman Station of the Central Love Bureau and promised to pay huge compensation and handle immigrants for Zeng Moumou's family to ask Zeng Moumou to provide sensitive information on Chinese military aspects.Zeng Moumou also signed a spy agreement with the United States, received assessment and training, and continued to secretly connect with the personnel of the CIA after returning to China to provide a large number of core information about China and collect spy funds.

The Ministry of National Security of China has always been highly confidential, but in July of Beijing this year, the anti -spy law was implemented. After increasing the anti -spy efforts, the extremely mysterious Ministry of Security stood in front of the stage.The Ministry of National Security first opened the public account on WeChat, and then published the first article entitled by the anti -spy that required the whole society to mobilize the whole society on August 1, which sounded the mobilization horn of the anti -espionage of the whole people.

Since July, the official has announced the spy case in succession, ringing the alarm to the internal, and mobilizing the people to strengthen prevention from external forces.These measures also warned and deterred, showing that the strength of anti -spy was not just talking, highlighting Beijing's vigilance of domestic and international threats.

Since last year, China ’s emphasis on national security issues has risen to a new height.In October last year, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China specially allocated special chapters to systematically deploy the national security strategy, and the importance of highlighting security issues was highlighted.In May this year, China ’s senior management also made a research and judgment on the complex situation of national security at the National Security Council meeting.

Beijing's sense of crisis on the national security issue is not related to the geopolitical environment of China.China is currently playing close -range games with the United States in all aspects. The two sides have been rubbing in the fields of science and technology, economy, trade, and ideology. The risk of wipe guns in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea cannot be underestimated.In a sense, China and the United States have entered the quasi -cold war.The game of the great power is inseparable from the information war and intelligence war. Spy and strategy are the common plots during the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.

Before China continuously exposed the spy case involved in the US Central Intelligence Agency, William Burns, director of the CIA, made public speeches on the deployment of intelligence networks in China.

At the Aspeng Security Forum held in July, Bernes acknowledged that the CIA's intelligence network suffered devastating losses more than ten years ago, but at the same time, it did not hide the United States' launch of large -scale intelligence activities on China.fact.He expressed that the CIA is working hard to rebuild the intelligence network in China and has made progress. The CIA will try to "ensure that there is a strong personnel intelligence ability to supplement the information obtained in other ways."

Sino -U.S. collecting information is not a matter of two days, but now in Beijing's high -profile exposure of the spy case, Washington does not conceal that it is stepping up to carry out intelligence activities on China, reflecting that China and the United States have become hot on the national security issues, and even even more, or even even on the issue of national security issues."Mingpai" was played in this spy war.

The national security challenges faced by Beijing and Washington are all practical, and they are not surprising that the two sides take action to maintain their national security.Whether it is spy intelligence, cracking penetration, or the implementation of anti -espionage laws, and export control, it is based on the premise of safeguarding national interests. However, in such extreme pulling, Guoan's overwhelming effects brought by everything are also manifested.

National security has been generalized, and to a certain extent, it has become a catalyst for China and the United States.In recent years, Washington has frequently used this as a reason for Chinese companies to accelerate the decoupling of China -US technology; some normal personnel between China and the United States have also been cut off for national security considerations, including international students and academic exchanges of colleges and universities.Famous.In February this year, an obedient mysterious balloon triggered panic in the United States, and almost became the last straw that crushed Sino -US relations.

On the other hand, Beijing's mobilized anti -spy also made the outside world worry that national security would be infinitely outline.Since May of this year, the Chinese national security organs have taken actions of some foreign -funded enterprises in China to trigger cicada effects, which directly affects the image of China's opening up and welcoming foreign capital.

The high emphasis on national security issues and foreign penetration will be emphasized that some domestic contradictions will be transferred to a certain extent. However, when security becomes the main principle of decision -making, will China still have an open and loose environment?At present, China has to revitalize the rare downturn economy over the years, and it also needs to continue to maintain a good development momentum, and this environment is more important.