Chinese President Xi Jinping left Beijing to Johannesburg, South Africa to attend the 15th meeting of the BRICS leaders and conducted a state visit to South Africa.

CCTV reported the above news on Monday (August 21) in the afternoon.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday (August 18), Xi Jinping will be four days during this behavior. During the South Africa, he will also co -host China -Africa leaders with South Africa President Rama Puta.Dialogue.

This is the second visit in 2023 after Xi Jinping conducted a formal state visit to Russia in March.Reuters analysis believes that this is a rare journey of going abroad for Chinese leaders who are willing to stay in China due to increasing political issues this year.

According to Xinhua News Agency on Monday, when Xi Jinping visited South Africa, he published a signature of the signed by the South African Star, Kaipu Times, Mercury News and the South African Independent Media Website entitled to make the giant wheel Yangfan voyage of Central South Chinaarticle.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping said in the article that more and more countries now want to open the "BRICS Gate" and participate in the BRICS cooperation to fully exhibit the strong vitality and vitality of the cash brick cooperation mechanismInfluence.

He said that China is willing to be with the brick brick partners, upholding the consensus of open and inclusive, win -win cooperation and win -win cooperation, condenses the consensus on major issues, carry forward the independent diplomatic tradition, and firmly defend international fairness and justice.Promote the re -focusing on development issues in the international community and lead the BRICS cooperation mechanism to play a more important role in the global governance system.