Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a call with Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan on Sunday (August 20) that China praised the Iraqi party to make correct decisions and continued to improve relations with Saudi Arabia to drive the Middle East to form a "reconciliation of reconciliationtide".

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Sundays with Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahyan.

Wang Yi said that Iranian President Laich conducted a state visit to China in February this year. The heads of state of the two countries reached a new important consensus on China -Iran's cooperation and led China -Iran relations to a new level.The two sides are fully implementing the important consensus of the two heads of state and promoting exchanges and cooperation in various fields to continue to develop.

He said that China is willing to continue to support each other with the Iranian side involving the core interests of each other, co -opposes foreign interference, resist unilateral bullying, and defend the sovereignty, security, and development benefits of China and Iran.Maintain common interests and international fairness in developing countries.

Wang Yi mentioned that after the dialogue of Esha Beijing, the two sides continued to improve the pace of improving relations and drive the Middle East to form a "reconciliation wave".China praises the Iraqi party to make correct decisions, and will continue to support the development path that meets its own national conditions in the Middle East, strengthen communication dialogue, adhere to unity and self -improvement, and realize good neighborhood and friendship.

When talking about the Iraqi nuclear issue, Wang Yi said that only by restoring the complete and effective execution of a comprehensive agreement can we fundamentally solve the problem of the Iraqi nuclear.China is willing to strengthen coordination with all parties including the Iraqi side, and promote the development of the Iran nuclear issue in the direction that is conducive to maintaining regional peace and stability.

In the press release of China, Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan said that Iraqi attaches great importance to the development of comprehensive strategic partnerships in Iran and China, looks forward to maintaining high -level exchanges with China, deepening the "Belt and Road" frameworkCooperation in cooperation to strengthen coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs.Thanks to the Chinese side for promoting the normalization of Esha's relationship, and highly appreciated the constructive role of China for this.

According to Reuters, Abdullahiyang met with Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister Fasal on August 17.After the meeting, the two held a joint press conference. Abdullahiyang said at the meeting that the two sides had successfully negotiated and the work of the two countries had made progress.

The trip to Saudi Arabia in Abdullahiyan was the first time that the two countries had broken diplomatic relations for seven years. Iranian foreign ministers visited Saudi Arabia for the first time.Fergal met with Iranian officials in Tehran in June.In March of these two regions, under the mediation of China in March this year, they reached an agreement to recover the relationship.