(Beijing Comprehensive News) Chinese officials will have a state visit to South Africa from August 21st to 24th and attend the fifteenth meeting of the BRICS leaders held in Johannesburg, South Africa.

According to the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday (August 18), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hua Chunying announced that the Chinese official trip was invited by the South African President Rama Tshada.Focus co -hosted the China -Africa leaders dialogue.

This will be the second visit in 2023 after the official visit to Russia in March in China in March.Reuters analysis believes that this is a rare journey of going abroad for Chinese leaders who are willing to stay in China due to increasing political issues.

China's official trip will also be the fourth state visit to South Africa since he served as the President of the State.He had previously visited South Africa in 2013, 2015 and 2018, and sought to strengthen diplomatic and economic relations with African countries.

South African Foreign Minister Pan Duor said earlier this month that the leaders of Brazil, China, India and South Africa, and the highest diplomats in Russia will hold a meeting from August 22nd to 24th."" ".A total of 69 countries were invited to participate in the summit, including all African countries.

Expansion will be one of the main issues of the South African Summit of the BRICS country.According to AFP, according to South Africa, about 40 countries have stated that they are interested in formal or informal the BRICS cooperation mechanism, including Saudi Arabia, Argentina and Egypt.

The total economic volume of the five BRICS countries accounts for a quarter of the global economic aggregate, but the political connection is relatively loose. The new round of expansion can help enhance the global influence, so as to seek transformation to challenge the West in world affairs in world affairsLeading geopolitical forces.

With the increasingly rising wrestling of China and the United States, China is seeking to expand its geopolitical influence. It is an active supporter for the expansion of the BRICS countries. It also claims that more like -minded partners are welcome to join the "BRICS Family" as soon as possible.

South Africa and Russia also support the expansion, while Brazil is opposed, worried that it will weaken their position, India is still watching.

Russian President Putin will attend the summit by video.In March of this year, the International Criminal Court issued a arrest warrant against Putin on Russia's invasion of Ukraine's related war crimes. As a contractor of the International Criminal Court, South Africa was obliged to arrest Putin.