Chai Jing, a well -known media man in China, disappeared for nearly eight years, and returned with her latest documentary stranger this week.

Chai Jing said in the trailer that she suffered a terrorist attack shortly after her work moved to Barcelona, Spain in 2017.In order to figure out why terrorism happened, she started an investigation two months later and completed six episodes of documentary films in five years.

This 4 minutes and 30 -second trailer, Chai Jing was released on the WeChat video "Strangers in Europe" on August 13.One hour later, the platform deleted the trailer on the grounds of "video involving violations".

Two days after Chai Jing (August 15), a trailer was released on YouTube, and the first episode of the first episode of the documentary was launched on Thursday (August 17).As of press time, the trailer and the first episode played 110,000 and 73,000 respectively.

More than 1,500 comments below the trailer, most of them express their love and respect for Chai Jing: "It is really good to know that you are still doing investigators.""Teachers can still make content that is sufficient to shock the world."

But the voice of Chai Jing on the Chinese social platform is more. The Weibo account "Chai Jing saw" seven years ago, a happy Weibo of the New Year, and more than 20,000 comments: "The exposure position, the position,Don't wash it, "" You should not be allowed to step into China, and your account should be blocked. "" It should be tied to the female spy! "

What did strangers say?

Strangers who have caused Chinese netizens to fight, the jihad, a documentary about terrorism.

In the documentary of strangers, Chai Jing kept short shoulder short hair as the past, and a silk scarf tied to the neck.(Screenshot of the documentary)

At the beginning of the first episode, Chai Jing said with a relaxed tone that the family moved to Spain: "Before leaving Beijing, I sent all the suits that I used to wear before.The action of relieving armor to return to the field, I want to go to a strange country, no longer work, just life. "

One month later, a terrorist attack occurred on the Landbula Avenue where Chai Jing lived.Terrorists drove small trucks to collide with pedestrians on the avenue, causing 13 people to die, and hundreds of people were injured.

Chai Jing said that what shocked her most was the attacker's face.They look like students, the second -generation Moroccan immigrants born in Spain.They did not have the former department of terrorism, received good education, have language, skills, work, and incorporated into the West, but they were mobilized by terrorism.

In the first episode of the documentary, Chai Jing went to where the attacker lived and visited their families, schools, mosques, places they worked, and self -made explosives.

For why the documentary is required, Chai Jing gave the answer in the first five minutes in the first episode.A victim's father couldn't get out of the pain of losing his three -year -old son. He asked: "When did people start looking for the truth? Can I only do it? A dead three -year -old boy's father? What training do I have?? "

Chai Jing said that the father's words were holding her heart, "I am a European stranger, but 20 years of professional training taught me to find the answer."

I saw it in ten years

Chai Jing was born in Linfen City, Shaanxi Province in 1976. At the age of 24, she joined CCTV with the invitation of Chen Yan, a well -known TV producer in China.

In 2003, the outbreak of Shas was outbreak. Chai Jing entered the ward and reported that he face to face seven times with patients and was rated as "2003 Chinese Journalists Fengyun Character".

Chai Jing (second from left) On April 22, 2003, he visited the deputy dean of the hospital Wang Jishan (first from the left) at the hospital.(See illustration)

During the presiding news survey, Chai Jing reported on the case of drug suicide in Shuangcheng Elementary School in Wuxiang Liangzhou District, Gansu Province (the trauma of Shuangcheng, 2003).(Destiny strings), the social acceptance of Chinese homosexuality and HIV infection (in the name of life, 2004), also entered the women's prison and unveiled the real reason behind the female prisoner to kill her husband (Survey of Women's Supervision Area, 2005Year).

Chai Jing wrote a book in CCTV's ten years of experience, published in 2012, selling 3 million copies in 2012.

Chai Jing gave birth to her daughter in the United States a year, and was questioned by netizens as "fake patriotism".In early 2014, Chai Jing resigned from CCTV, and then faded out of the public sight.

Under the top of the dome, with the non -

On February 28, 2015, Chai Jing took the haze survey documentaries at his own expense to return to the public's sight.The documentary was also broadcast on and People's Daily. According to British BBC, 48 hours later, the total number of playbacks of the video had exceeded 200 million.

1 hour and 43 minutes of documentary dome, Chai Jing discussed what the smog is, where to do, and what to do.(Screenshot of the documentary)

On the first day of broadcasting under the dome, the People's Daily released an interview with Chai Jing "what people do because there is love in the bottom of the heart."

The second day (March 1), the current member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, then Chen Jining, then Minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, mentioned the first seminar after the new seminar.Essence

He said: "I watched Chai Jing's documentary last night. This morning, she sent a text message to her. She thanked her. From a special perspective, she evoked the public's attention from the perspective of public health.It is worthy of our admiration. "

But on the same day of Chen Jining's presentation, websites such as, People's Daily, and other websites have withdrawn from videos under the dome, which has not yet recovered.

However, the video was withdrawn the next day (March 2), and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China launched the key special pilot work of "air pollution prevention and control". In August of the same year, the People's Republic of China was revised and approved.

With the lower shelves with the dome, the wind reviews around Chai Jing began to rotate. Some scholars believe that the data cited in the film lacks authority, and the connection between haze and mortality also lacks support.

Under the top of the dome, it is also linked to politics. Some netizens pointed out that the ending of the film mentioned that the American Natural Resources Protection Association (NRDC), and NRDC accepted the Ford Foundation's $ 400,000 (S $ 543,000) at the time of its establishment.And that Chai Jing might have received US funding support and filmed documentary ugliests to pride in China.

Who is criticizing Chai Jing?

This time the stranger, Chai Jing did not wait until the positive film was broadcast, and he ushered in criticism.

Douban author "Sunflower Life" wrote a thousand -character essay released on August 16: "She feels that she is a former Chinese with yellow skin, and she should be degraded by degrading the strong nation.Slandering my compatriots to get the pity of the master. "

Former CCTV host Cui Yongyuan posted a video on the personal YouTube channel on July 30, I do n’t know what else can I say, what else can I say. When he mentioned the collapse of Qiqihar Middle School in Heilongjiang Province, he said with a ridicule: "IfIf there is no verification, you can default to the idea that there is a Western forces to give me an idea behind me. "

Cui Yongyuan's joke, pointing out the opposition of China and the West on the Chinese public opinion field: the opposite view is to enter the Western camp.In Chai Jing, this kind of Chinese and Western confrontation is even more: discussing the terrorism of Western society is equivalent to with Western positions.

Another consequence of this opposition is the lack of the environment of rational discussions.When Chai Jing was the conclusion of the "Western Official Media" and "Female Spy", the first episode of the documentary has not been released, which is completely based on a 4 minute and 30 second trailer.

Many netizens said that since the top of the dome, she "has no impression" about Chai Jing, thinking that she "is not washed white."So no matter what she did later, she couldn't change her view of her.

Criticizing Chai Jing is not terrible. What is terrible is that when Chai Jing has become a kind of political correctness. Many people have been thinking and judgment before they have been wrapped in public opinion and joining the criticism of criticism?Public opinion, which is biased towards the end of the balance, will also turn into a sword of Damocaris. With the name that conforms to public opinion, it will cut into the space that had been squeezed.