The Ministry of National Security of China disclosed that a retired cadre of a school in Yunnan contacted the "backbone members of overseas hostile organizations" in 2016 to conspire to implement violent actions in an attempt to subvert the state power;The situation of enemy situation.

The analysis of scholars interviewed, the official announcement was announced for nearly seven years, showing that China currently faces some unstable factors, and the government has tried to achieve the effect of warning and announcement.

The Ministry of National Security of China released on Tuesday (August 15) that political security is the foundation of national security. It must grasp the "four attributes" articles and disclose this 2016 case.

The article said that a retired cadre of a school in Yunnan has long published reactionary remarks on the Internet for a long time.He took the initiative to contact the backbone members of overseas hostile organizations, planned to purchase weapons from overseas, recruit "death teams" in the country, conspired to implement violent operations, and named the operation "China Banca West Project" in an attempt to subvert the state power.

The Chinese national security organs were arrested and brought to justice during the crime planning stage.

The Ministry of National Security did not explain the specific content of the "China Banca West Engineering", but the name of the action name may hure the 2012 Bangjesi incident; at that time, the US consulates in Pabia City, the US Consulate in Libya City, were attacked by militants, resulting in the US ambassador to Libya and other other.Three Americans die.

The article pointed out that this case reflects the situation of the hostile situation facing China's political security from the side.The article also emphasizes that political security is directly related to the security of the regime and the survival of the system. It is the foundation of the most fundamental demand and survival and development of a country. After leaving political security, national security cannot be talked about.

Article Hong Kong's 2014 China Movement, Riot of Mong Kok in 2016, and anti -repair examples in 2019 as an example: "For a long time, various hostile forces have been trying to create a" color revolution "in my country, trying to subvert China Government leaders and my country's socialist system, this is the real danger and long -term harm facing my country's political security. "

In the context of the continued heating of the Sino -US game, last year's report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China for the first time, which made the content of national security for the first time, showing that maintaining national security is the major policy of the Communist Party of China.Chinese officials also emphasized at the first meeting of the 20th Central National Security Council in May this year that it is necessary to deeply understand the complicated and severe situation facing national security.

After the implementation of the Chinese Anti -Spy Law was implemented in July this year, it was densely treated.On August 1st and 2nd, the Ministry of National Security continuously published an article entitled that anti -spy demands the whole society mobilize and punish espionage in accordance with the law and respect for human rights. It proposed to enhance the awareness of anti -espionage security and national security literacy.

In the past two weeks, the Ministry of National Security has disclosed at least three spy -related cases.

Some opinions believe that the official case is revealed for nearly seven years, and the case of Yunnan may show that there are more sounds that are dissatisfied with the system in the CCP system or retired cadres.

Zhang Zhizhong, dean of the School of Humanities and Socials, Taiwan Kainan University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Beijing successively announced a case involving external forces. The main purpose was to warn internally and announced it; let the outside world understand that Beijing's external forces are prepared to be prepared for external forces.of.Officials also seek through these cases to confirm China's official judgment on the complex and severe situation facing national security.

Zhang Zhizhong pointed out, "Last year's Sitong Bridge incident and white paper movement, and this case involving retired cadres showed unstable factors from the side, the ethnic group involved from different classes and backgrounds."