(Beijing Comprehensive News) In response to the Chinese folk, there has always been a voice that the government has always hoped that the government would issue cash or consumer coupons to stimulate weak domestic demand.The cost is too large, and it is not feasible in China.

The study Times on Wednesday (August 16) published an article entitled to clarify eight cognitive misunderstandings to clarify domestic demand. It is proposed that the current deficiency of domestic demand is the main contradiction of China's macroeconomic operation.You need to clarify eight cognitive misunderstandings.

Among them, when it comes to clarifying the cognitive misunderstanding of "getting money to promote consumption", it is pointed out that some views believe that China should directly issue cash like some countries to stimulate consumer demand."Although this method can play a certain role, the cost is too great, and it is not feasible in my country."

The article pointed out that Chinese residents' consumption and savings habits and development levels are very different from developed countries such as the United States.If each person pays 1,000 yuan (RMB, S $ 186, the same below) cash, it will take about 1.4 trillion yuan, which will not only form a huge financial burden, but also the consumption habits, consumption structure and consumption willingness of residents also restrict their effects.In particular, the epidemic has enhanced the preventive motivation of residents to a certain extent, and consumption is more conservative, which will inevitably lead to the inefficient use of valuable financial resources.

This remarks have caused a lot of discussions on the Internet. The opponents claim that Hong Kong and Macau issue consumer vouchers every year, and it has also been effective.However, some netizens support, saying that paying money will not necessarily stimulate consumption, because residents may deposit money.

In addition to the cognitive misunderstanding of the promotion fee of money, the study Times also pointed out that it is necessary to abandon the misunderstanding of "simply investing or consumer stirring (dominant)" and "excessive investment and low consumption";The problem should start with improving consumption power and consumption willingness, not to restrict investment.

The article also discusses the statement of questioning that China's investment efficiency is not high, excessive infrastructure, and limited space, government investment squeeze out private investment, residents' consumption and public consumption splitting, and there is no policy space under local financial pressure.The above statement is a misunderstanding.