Chinese officials rarely criticized the disadvantages of Western modernization in a speech on the party in the party in February this year, including the pursuit of maximization of capital interests and wantonly plundering natural resources.Scholars believe that Chinese official speech is intended to strengthen the legitimacy of Chinese -style modernization; while macroeconomic weakness and geopolitical tension are also intended to strengthen the political consensus of domestic officials and citizens.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China The Magazine Magazine was published on Tuesday (August 15th) published an article entitled by Chinese -style modernization and national rejuvenation.Part of the speeches made by members, alternate members, and main leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial level.

Chinese officials pointed out that the modernization of the common prosperity of the Chinese people is the essential characteristics of Chinese -style modernization, and it is also a significant sign that distinguish between Western modernization.The biggest disadvantage of Western modernization is "capital -centered, not the people -centered, and pursue the maximization of capital interests instead of serving the interests of the vast majority of people, which leads to the large gap between the rich and the poor and the severe differentiation."

He believes that one important reason for Western countries to fall into trouble today is "unable to curb the nature of capital greedyness and cannot solve materialist expansion and mental poverty."Most of the modernization of Western countries has gone through the stage of wantonly plundering natural resources and vicious destruction of ecological environment. While creating huge material wealth, it often causes serious problems such as environmental pollution and resource exhaustion.China's per capita energy resource endowment is seriously insufficient, and accelerating development is facing more energy resources and environmental constraints, which determines that China cannot take the old road of modern Western modernization.

China's official also criticized the modernization of Western countries "full of bloody sin, such as war, slavery, colonial, plunder, etc., which brings deep suffering to the majority of developing countries.The tragic history of the Chinese nation experienced the invasion and insult of Western powers, and it is impossible to repeat the old path of Western countries.

Speaking is to distinguish between the road of western development and show that political struggles are over the economy

Cai Wenxuan, a researcher at the Political Institute of Taiwan Central Research Institute, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Chinese official speech was to criticize "the idea of hegemony led by the United States" and the usual thinking of the West, that is, economic development will bring political democratizationLinear development.

Cai Wenxuan evaluated that since the Chinese -style modernization was proposed in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China last October, it has not yet formed a very clear and complete discussion.The main intention of Chinese officials to hold up this banner is to distinguish between the road of western development and reiterate that Beijing will never take the position of Western roads.

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor of the Singapore Nanyang Institute of Technology Rajelekan International Research Institute, pointed out that Chinese -style modernization has now become one of the core content of the Chinese Communist Party's political exposition and concepts.A place where people feel surprised. "

Li Mingjiang has studied and judged that the geopolitical acuolia surrounding China is continuously tight, and there are many contradictions with Western, and domestic ideological differences are also increasingly expanded. The official chooses to publish this article at this time, which is intended to enhance people inside the system and officials of party and government systems.Political consensus of cadres.Another political intention is to improve the recognition and support of domestic people's modernization of Chinese -style.

Cai Wenxuan believes that when the mainland government has vigorously introduced policies to attract foreign capital, China's official speech contradicts this effort, showing that the political struggle is still above the market economy.Compared with firm control of regime and ideology, attracting foreign investment is still a secondary.

Although this speech does not mean that Beijing will seek dense conflicts with the West, Cai Wenxuan believes that this may be "some anti -effects" on foreign business confidence and accelerate the pace of evacuating some foreign capital from the mainland.

Li Mingjiang expects that during the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China is accustomed to "politically, but it can be the economic set of economy."Although China's official criticism is centered on capital, the key must be depends on the implementation of the actual policy.