Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao will publish the second administrative report during his tenure in October, and the governance team will meet people from all walks of life to collect opinions.In the past two weeks alone, Li Jiachao hosted a consultation meeting for more than 10 scenes and video meetings to hear the views of different people.

The Government Report of the Hong Kong Chief Executive is equivalent to annual government reports announced by the Chinese government each year.After the Hong Kong Legislative Council released the summer vacation in October, the Chief Executive will go to the Legislative Council to publish an annual administrative report to explain the administrative concept to the public and explain the government's vision and measures in various policy categories.

Because of its far -reaching impact on society, most Hong Kong people pay close attention to the content of the policy report.In the past, the Chief Executive will personally meet some major political parties and groups to listen to their demands on politics reports; there are also some groups to petition to the government headquarters on the eve of the announcement of the politics report, asking a new politics report to pay attention to their rights and interests.

I remember when I first joined the journalist to run the news of Hong Kong, I was often sent to an interview with the politics report.This is because most groups will be screaming in the sky and put forward some unrealistic requirements.Moreover, most of the organizers will provide detailed press releases, which is not very difficult for newcomers to reporters.

When Li Jiachao published his first policy report in October last year, the Hong Kong epidemic has not yet passed.Due to the restriction order, few groups appear on the street to express their views on politics reports.Hong Kong is fully reconciled this year, but the society's response is still average.I randomly asked some friends around me. Most people said that I did not know that the Hong Kong government had begun to conduct public consultation with the politics report and was not interested in expressing their opinions.I browsed on the Facebook page of the policy report and found that only more than 1,000 people were tracking.

"The sunrise is made, the sun is entered, and the well -cutting is drinking, the field of farming is eaten, why is the emperor?" Hong Kong people in the British British colonial period, due to the low political status, most people are right to right.Political indifference, we only care about work to improve the quality of life.It was not until the return of 1997 that Hong Kong people finally became the master, and the participation of politics began to increase.

In 2003, 500,000 Hong Kong people went to the streets to march on the street, triggering more people to participate in social affairs, and more keen to pay attention to government policies.In the 2019 "Anti -Repairing" movement, Hong Kong people's awareness of participation reached the highest point in history.

Unfortunately, Hong Kong people have seriously misjudged politics and eventually embarked on a wayless path.Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law three years ago, the political situation in Hong Kong has undergone tremendous changes. More than 10,000 people have been arrested for demonstrations and scattered overseas by 100,000 Hong Kong people.Many Hong Kong people have spoken and far away from politics.

Earlier, a survey released by the Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion showed that if one of them was selected, 50%of Hong Kong people were most concerned about the issue of people's livelihood. 30%of the people said economic issues.Only 17%of citizens choose to pay attention to political issues.

The survey results confirmed that the Hong Kong National Security Law did play a role.More and more Hong Kong people have a sense of political cold, so that the Hong Kong government can concentrate on developing the economy and improving people's livelihood, and the social environment is gradually stabilizing.But on the other hand, as the social activities in Hong Kong have been recur after the epidemic, the disadvantages of Hong Kong people fading out of social affairs have begun to emerge.

For example, in February this year, Hong Kong fully cleared the customs, and Kai Tak Cruise Wharf ushered in a number of cruise ships. There were insufficient transportation facilities in nearby traffic, causing complaints from tourists in Hong Kong.I asked relevant people in the industry. He said that the traffic problem at the dock has been criticized before the epidemic, but in recent years, the civic groups have been silent. No one reflects the problem to the official. It was not until the previous problem that the problem broke out.

The turmoil of Kai Tak Cruise Terminal is just an example of Hong Kong people's increasingly indifferent politics in the past two or three years.Recently, Hong Kong was raining day by day. Last week, I passed the Tsim Sha Tsui subway station and found that a tunnel floor was slippery. Passers -by accidentally slipped down, but no staff members came to clean up. Pedestrians who passed by.Everyone seems to be very indifferent to the public issues around them.

Another example: A few months ago, I went to a government department to go through the procedures. Because I did not pick up the number online, I was on the scene for more than half an hour in advance.A dozen individuals at the scene are also waiting in line, most of them are old people.

There are several seats next to the team.Some elderly people asked if the security guard could walk over and rest for a while.The security guard refused, saying that he would send numbers to send numbers according to the first -to -first way. "You are dissatisfied, you can complain to the government, don't ask me."People present were speechless.

According to the reason, the government departments "sit in the same boat" should take the initiative to docking with each other, strengthen coordination, and serve the citizens.However, in the current Hong Kong, civil servants seem to be the snow in front of the door, and even push each other. They have no consciousness to solve the problems of citizens.

In the past four years, a social movement plus a three -year epidemic has caused Hong Kong to be injured and developed difficulties.A Hong Kong National Security Law successfully cleared the anti -China -China group and people, but it was also scared that some Hong Kong people's participation in people's livelihood policies.At the same time, the official encourages Hong Kong people to fight for the economy and develop together, and it is also necessary to think about inspiring the enthusiasm of Hong Kong people to participate in regional governance.Only in this way can Hong Kong take off faster.