Chinese officially introduced new measures to continue to strengthen foreign investment protection, implement preferential tax policies for foreign -invested enterprises, etc., and increase attracting foreign investment.

According to Xinhua News Agency on Sunday (August 13), the State Council issued by the Chinese State Council on further optimizing the foreign investment environment and increasing the opinions of attracting foreign investment to put forward six aspects of 24 policies and measures.

Opinions propose to improve the quality of foreign investment, increase the introduction of foreign investment in key areas, play a leading role in the expansion of the comprehensive pilot demonstration of the service industry, expand the attractive channels of foreign investment, support the gradient transfer of foreign investment enterprises, improve the construction of foreign projectsPromote mechanism.

Chinese officials have also proposed to ensure the national treatment of foreign -invested enterprises, ensure participation in government procurement activities in accordance with the law, support the formulation of standards for equal participation in accordance with the law, and ensure that equal support for supporting policies.

In terms of continuous strengthening of foreign investment protection, the opinions proposed to improve the protection mechanism of foreign investment rights and interests, strengthen the administrative protection of intellectual property rights, increase the administrative law enforcement of intellectual property rights, and standardize foreign economic and trade policies and regulations.

Opinions also include improving the level of investment and operation facilitation, optimizing foreign -invested enterprises 'foreign employees' suspension policy, exploring convenient data cross -border liquidity security management mechanisms, coordinating optimization of law enforcement inspections of foreign -related investment enterprises, improving foreign companiesInvestment enterprise service guarantee.

Chinese officials proposed to increase financial and tax support, strengthen foreign investment to promote funding guarantee, encourage foreign -invested enterprises in domestic reinvestment, implement preferential tax policies for foreign -invested enterprises, support foreign -invested enterprises in investment countries to encourage developmentfield.

Opinions have also proposed to improve foreign investment promotion methods, improve the working mechanism for investment, facilitate overseas investment promotion work, expand the channels for foreign investment promotion, and optimize the evaluation of foreign investment promotion.

Opinions encourage all regions to introduce supporting measures according to local conditions to enhance policy synergy effects.