The 45th anniversary of the conclusion of the China -Japan Peace Friendship Treaty was held on Thursday (August 10) in Tokyo. Chinese ambassador Wu Jianghao attended and delivered a speech.Both sides cannot shake their original intentions, and we must jointly maintain the overall situation of the relationship between the two countries.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Japan on Friday (August 11), the theme of the above assembly is "Japan -China Friendship is one of Japan's largest security guarantee."Former Prime Minister Hatoyama Katsuyama, the first Fukushimoto Ruimo, the Social Democratic Party, the chairman of Murakami Talking and Development Association, Fujita Takada, former Director of the Heping Institute of Heping Heping, the Gong of the Museum Zhang Yibo and the academic, cultural, and media of Japan and ChinaMore than 300 people in the world and civic groups participated.

Wu Jianghao said in his speech that the conclusion of the China -Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty 45 years ago was an important milestone in the history of relations between the two countries.It has determined the development of the two countries as a common obligation to the development of the two countries in a legal form. It stipulates that China and Japan do not interfere in the internal affairs, use peaceful methods to solve all disputes, and jointly oppose that any country to seek hegemony.The obedience that must be adhered to is also of important practical significance for solving many disputes in the world today.

He said, commemorating the 45th anniversary, not only to relive the original intention of the contract, but more importantly, faithfully fulfill the treaty obligations, firmly grasp the correct direction of peace, friendship, and cooperation, and build a China -Japan that meets the requirements of the new era.relation.

Wu Jianghao said that China and Japan will sign a treaty named after peace and friendship. It is because the history of the war that the Japanese militarism caused the people of the two peoples to suffer.The people have to be friendly for generations.However, today, 45 years later, some people in Japan seem to have forgotten historical lessons, rendering "Chinese threats", and inciting "Taiwan Strait". Some people even threatened to strengthen deterrence and based on war. This is a dangerous speech.If it is confused, Japan will be brought into history again.

He pointed out that the world is changing, the times are changing, and today, 45 years later, it is still because friendship is the fundamental interests of the two countries, and it is the only correct test of history and reality.choose.No matter how difficult and resistance to the relationship between the two countries, no matter how some forces are deliberately provoking the confrontation between China and Japan, neither the two sides can shake their original intentions.Essence

Wu Jianghao emphasized that in the current situation, it is important to strengthen personnel exchanges and promote mutual understanding.From Thursday, China will fully restore Chinese tourists to Japan to travel. At the same time, more Japanese people are welcome to visit China.Measures.

When facing severe challenges in China and Japan, Wu Jianghao hopes that there are people of knowledge from all walks of life in China and Japan, and strive to promote the healthy and stable operation of Sino -Japanese relations, co -defend cooperation, and continue to develop together.