China wants to move to the Chinese Embassy in the UK in London for many years. However, since the new hall planned to be rejected by the local local parliament last December, this incident has stagnated.

After a few months of stalemate on the surface, according to Reuters, China did not appeal to the veto on the last period of August 10.

This means that the previous veto of the local parliament will take effect, and if China still wants to establish the ambassador to the former site of the Royal Mint of London Borough of Tower Hamlets (hereinafter referred to as the "Ta Village District" in Hamletta.The museum needs to submit the construction plan to the local parliament again.

The beginning and end of the relocation of the Chinese Embassy in London

China's current London Embassy is an old building located in Portland Place in the city center. It was formerly known as the London office established in the Qing Dynasty in 1877. It experienced a renovation and renovation in the 1980s and in the 1980s.Expansion, but still crowded.

China's current embassy has been used since 1877. Although it has been expanded in the middle, it is still crowded.(Internet)

Therefore, in 2018, China bought the Royal Mint (Royal Mint, Royal Mint, the Royal Mint, which is separated by the London Tower of London.The old site of Court) is planned to be the largest embassy in the UK on the 2 hectares (about 20,000 square meters) of land.

The architectural design of the New Embassy was operated by the British architect David Chipperfield.According to the architectural news website "Building Design", the architectural design submitted to the Takamura District Council at the end of 2021 shows that the construction of the embassy will renovate two 19th -century second -level protection buildings and remove a building in the 1980s and rebuild it to rebuild it.For two buildings, it is used as the embassy apartment and cultural exchange center.

The report submitted to the Tasun District at the time said that the impact of architectural design will minimize the impact on the appearance of the two protective buildings.According to reporters, the planners in Ta Village have recognized this architectural design (RECOMDEEND for Approval) and believes that its "well designed" will also be high -quality, sustainable and inclusive buildings.

The picture shows the planned landscape of the new embassy in China.(Internet)

According to the US CNN report, until the day before the parliament meeting, the official attitude of the Tasamura District showed that this design will be approved by the parliament.

However, on December 1 last year, after a few hours of intense meetings in the Tascun District Council, he announced that he complied with residents' opinions and unanimously veto the plan.

It is reported that the Tower Village District Council received more than 50 residents who opposed the plan.Parliament spokesman said that because the embassy would affect the safety of residents and tourists, the protection of local cultural heritage, the police resources of the police, and the congestion of the region, the committee decided to veto the application.

In February this year, the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said that he had no intention of overthrowing the decision made by the Takamura District Council.

Since March this year, the media has reported that China has expressed dissatisfaction with this veto through diplomatic channels, and hopes that the British government will intervene in approval plans.Among them, Reuters reported in July that four relevant persons revealed that Chinese officials have proposed dissatisfaction with British officials in the past few months.

It is reported that the Chinese Embassy in London said in response to the media's email response that providing convenience and support for the construction of the diplomatic house is an international obligation of the host country and urged the British to fulfill relevant obligations.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China also said that China has always strived to seek solutions with Britain on the basis of "the principle of mutual benefit and peaceful treatment."

However, until the last period has passed, the British government and related officials have been silent in this matter.Bloomberg quoted an anonymous official on August 10 that Michael Gove, the British Housing Minister related to this matter, has not received a formal appeal from China.

Some people familiar with the matter said that Beijing seems difficult to understand why British local parliament can veto the construction plan of the embassy between the country, and they also expressed dissatisfaction with the British government's silence.However, British officials said that the current approval process is transparent and in line with rules.

Why do local residents rejected?

Comprehensive British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Guardian, Daily Telegraph and CNN in the United States, the reasons for residents of Takamura District to oppose the Chinese Construction Embassy can be roughly attributed to three categories: historical protection reasons, residents' rights and interestsQuestions, as well as political stance factors.

Data show that the former site of the Royal Mint was a collective cemetery buried by hundreds of deceased during the 14th century.It was not until 1739. This is the logistics base of the Royal Navy.From the beginning of 1967, the Royal Mint was located here, thereby producing currencies circulating in the United Kingdom.After the Royal Mint was completely withdrawn here at the beginning of this century, on the basis of retaining historic buildings, it became a commercial land until it was bought by China.

Therefore, some objections believe that the construction of an embassy here will not only destroy the original historical buildings, but also affect the preservation of past history in the UK.

St Mary Graces Court South (gray logo in the figure) is completed in 1989, and about 300 people live in 1989.(Internet)

On the other hand, in the 20,000 square meters of land purchased in China, in addition to the old buildings of the Royal Mint, it also includes 100 households completed in 1989.For about 300 residents who still live here, China has become their "big landlord", which not only makes the ownership of the house may have controversy, but also makes them feel that privacy will be difficult to guarantee.


Embassy Construction Plan includes a large number of surveillance cameras will be installed peripherals to ensure that the embassy is in monitoring for 24 hours.For local residents, they are worried that their daily life will be monitored by these cameras.

Some local resident leaders have proposed that this place is only separated from the streets of London Tower and Tower Bridge in London.It will cause more inconvenience to the travel of tourists and residents, and it will also affect the landscape of the London Tower -for example, the Chinese flag may appear in the picture when shooting the London Tower in the future.

The location of the Chinese New Embassy (Red Dot) is separated from the famous attractions London Tower and the Tower Bridge in London, which will not only cause inconvenience to transportation, but also affect the local landscape.(Google map intercepts)

Map query shows that there are currently no consulates in any country in the tower village area.These factors can be the reason why local countries have rejected the establishment of the Embassy in any country.However, the British people's views on China's political and human rights issues are also one of the important factors affecting this decision.

Statistics announced by the Tower Village District show that in 2021, nearly 40%of local residents believe in Islam, accounting for the highest proportion in Britain.This means that China ’s controversy caused by human rights on Uyghur Muslims may have a great impact on the choice of residents.

As early as March 2021, members of the Tascun District proposed to name the roads near the area with elements such as "Tiananmen", "Uyghur", "Hong Kong", and "Tibet", in order to "clarify their positions and principles."However, the proposal was not passed in the end.

Although the current Sino -British relations are not as tight as Sino -US relations, there is also a big gap between the "Golden Age" of the Cameron government in 2015. After the anti -repair campaign in Hong Kong in 2019, Sino -British relations broke out in 2019, Sino -British relations broke out, and Sino -British relations broke out.Especially rapid deterioration.

More than a month before the new embassy plan was rejected, the Demonstrate was beaten by the consulate staff .This incident quickly upgraded into a diplomatic storm, and finally ended with China recall six people including the Consul General.

Internet search found that in the past year, almost every month, there will be different organizational protests at the entrance of the Chinese embassy in London.Officials in Tascun District also proposed that if the Chinese Embassy relocated to this time, a large number of rally and protests against the Chinese government or international political incidents will also occur.

On the other hand, the contradiction between the two countries is also reflected in folk activities.For example, on the graffiti wall of the Red Brick Lane in the East London, the official Publicity slogan of the core values of socialism caused widespread dissatisfaction locally and gave birth to a series of bleeding dissatisfaction.

Nearly 10 Chinese students last Saturday (August 5th) left the publicity slogan of the core values of socialist core values promoted by Chinese officials in the Red Brick Lane, London, England. Many people are on the walls.Reward the original slogans to vent their dissatisfaction.(Internet)

These examples show that if the Chinese embassy in the UK has successfully moved to the tower village area, it is foreseeable that local residents will have to be troubled by a series of "Chinese issues" in the future.This seems not what they want, so the opposition from the people is not so surprising.

How will the battle of the embassy affect Sino -British relations?

Although the two countries have no official speculation, the plan to be blocked by the new embassy in China will obviously affect the relations between China and Britain.

For example, Reuters had previously quoted anonymous Chinese officials that they believed that the relocation of the embassy was blocked for political reasons, and suspected that the British government intended to prevent the embassy plan and planned local opposition.Of course, British officials refuted the allegations and pointed out that the local parliament was independent.

Another British officials revealed that although the two things were not related to them, the reconstruction plan of the British Embassy in Beijing seemed to have been affected and failed to be approved.

Although the current British Prime Minister Sonak announced the end of the "Golden Age", he did not want to tear his face with China. Instead, he sought to ensure national security and in the field of trade investment and other fields.The way.

But this is not easy.Since being elected Prime Minister in October last year, Sunak has not yet passed the official with the Chinese President of China, and the meeting was originally scheduled to meet at the Bali Twenty Group (G20) Summit last November last November.Cancel.

Sonc has not yet passed with Chinese officials since he was elected by the British Prime Minister in October last year.(Agence France -Presse)

From the perspective of anonymous people quoted by various media and media, Chinese officials are very dissatisfied with the silence of the Sunak government on the embassy

At the same time, the conservative forces within the UK have also criticized the Sonk government's silence.Iain Duncan Smith, a former British Conservative Party, criticized that the government should refuse the Chinese embassy plan even more to show that the government puts national security first when dealing with the relationship between the two countries.

Since China does not directly appeal, it is likely to be submitted again after the existing embassy planning.But limited modifications, it is difficult to solve the core issues of local people's concerns, so that local parliaments can be approved.

If it is reported as reported, China will seek the British government's commitment to interfere with the approval of the next embassy plan, then the British government will be in a dilemma at that time: it is to abide by the international obligations of China and agree to the embassy plan to violate the national peopleWilling to respect the local democratic decision, even if this may make China more annoyed and further destroy the relationship between the two countries.