In order to further strengthen the management of minors using the network, the China National Internet Information Office will fully upgrade the "Youth Model" as a "minor model"., Application stores, realize the three parties of software and hardware.

According to the "Internet Information China" WeChat public account on Wednesday (August 2), the China National Network Information Office issued a guide for the construction of the mobile Internet minor model (soliciting opinion draft) (hereinafter referred to as the guide)Notice of publicly soliciting opinions.The deadline for feedback is September 2, 2023.

Guide pointed out that in order to further enhance the "Youth Model" to help minors reduce the effects of network obsessed and bad information, the online information office will upgrade the "youth model" to "minor model" and promote the promotionMode coverage is expanded from APP to mobile smart terminals and app stores to achieve three -way software and hardware linkage, which is convenient for users to enter the mode with one click.

Guide stipulates that the entrance settings of the minor model should ensure the most simplified principles. When exiting, parents need to verify and agree. Parents can choose to identify passwords, fingerprints, face and other recognition methods based on existing mechanisms.For single or compound verification, live broadcast, online social service providers should set the corresponding time management, authority management, consumer management and other functions for minors to use their services.

Guidelines for minor models should have an automatic switching function.After the mobile smart terminal starts the minor mode with one click, the application and application distribution platform should be automatically switched to the minor mode interface; after exiting the minor mode, the application and application distribution platform should be automatically switched to ordinary to ordinaryMode interface.

Guidelines also require the establishment of age -segmentation principles. Mobile smart terminals, applications, and platforms should provide information and services suitable for their physical and mental development according to minors at different ages.The guide has divided a total of five age intervals: under 3 years of age; age over 3 years old or over 8 years of age; 8 years old or more than 12 years old; over 12 years of age or more, over 16 years of age; over 16 years older than 18 years old.

In the minor mode facing users under the age of 8, mobile smart terminals need to support the total length of the default use of not more than 40 minutes; the total length of users over 8 years old to 16 years old is not more than one hour;The user over 16 years old is less than two hours old and does not exceed two hours. When minor users continue to use the mobile smart terminal continuously for more than 30 minutes, the mobile smart terminal should issue a rest reminder; and every night from 10 pm to 6 am the next day, 6 o'clock the next day.During this period, it is forbidden to provide services to minors.

However, emergency, education, and calculations suitable for minors, image processing and other tool categories and parents custom settings that can be exempted from being exempted from being exempted from the above -mentioned use time and time period limit restrictionsEssence

Guide also stipulates that in the minor model, information service providers should restrict the user's use of products and services that may harm physical and mental health: including webcasting, network audio and video, and online social networking., Authority, and consumer management functions; reasonably restrict the amount of single consumption and the cumulative consumption amount of minors, and shall not provide paid services that are not consistent with their behavioral ability to minors;Communities, groups, or topics with themes such as brushing control and evaluation shall not use pan -entertainment functions and content to induce minors to add to the Internet.

In addition, algorithm recommendation service providers may not push to minors may cause minors to imitate unsafe behavior and violate social morality, inducing bad habits of minors, etc.The information is not allowed to use algorithms to recommend services to induce minors to add to the Internet.

Guide said that Internet information service providers should actively carry out the construction of minors' content pools, including production, spreading and promoting the core values of socialism and advanced socialist culture, revolutionary culture, and guiding minors to develop wellLiving habits and behavioral habits.