Peking University and Tsinghua University, the Supreme School of China, were stared at by "ox" in this school summer vacation.

"I asked a few people who claimed to have a way to help enter the school. Their offer was more than 300 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 56). If the two schools go all).It costs 2,000 yuan to spend at the school. It is too expensive to think about it.

Zhang Heng, who recently went to Beijing to travel to Beijing, sighed in an interview with the Beijing Business Daily.The family of three originally planned to come to a Tsinghua campus tour at Peking University. However, after three consecutive days of grabbing the appointment, Zhang Hengxian was looking for the ox to help, and found the ox that claims to help to make an appointment on some platforms.

As a result, these scathers gave an amazing price offer, allowing Zhang Heng to retreat immediately.

In Zhang Heng's words, if you make an appointment to Peking University Tsinghua University through the ox, this trip will exceed the tickets for a family of three in Beijing Universal Studios."It is not that we are unwilling to pay for the top school in China. The key is that the tickets for Universal Studios are official pricing and official channels. The official channels in Qingbei are free.

Some netizens have posted an appointment interface for visiting Peking University on social media, showing that from July 24 to July 31, all the periods are full.(Internet)

But compared with Zhang Heng, Xiao Han, who had just returned to China from abroad, had a deal with the ox that he had lost his wife and folded his soldiers.

According to CCTV report, Xiao Han is 19 years old and wants to travel to Beijing during the summer vacation.She said: "I post on a social platform, I hope to go to Tsinghua. Soon after, a oxee actively contacted me and said that they would pay 20 yuan first, and then replenished 80 yuan after successfully entered the school."

Although he was doubtful to the ox saying, Xiaohan chose to turn to the ox 20 yuan to the ox and submit the identity information of the ID number, telephone, name and other identity information for reservation.Outside the door, he tossed at high temperature for more than an hour, and eventually he couldn't enter Tsinghua to visit as expected.It was worse that when she wanted to get back payment, she found that she had been hacked by the ox.

Looking at China's social media, you can find that there are not a few people who want to visit Peking University like Xiaohan or Zhang Heng, and in the commentary area of related posts, there are scalpel messages from time to time saying that they can provide paid appointment services.

An oxen who claimed to be able to help make an appointment to the school told CCTV that the ticket price for entering Peking University Tsinghua was 360 yuan for single -person and single school.Another scalper is slightly lower, the charging standard is Tsinghua 350 yuan and 320 yuan Peking University.When asked how many people and children charged, the two oxen said that the charges were calculated according to the head, regardless of children and adults.

For the rampant behavior of the ox, Tsinghua announced that the school is a teaching and research unit, a non -tourist attraction, and does not charge any visits to any institution or individual;Provide paid appointments for visiting services.In other words, they do not agree with the behavior of the ox. As for how to stop the ox, neither of the top two universities in China gave the answer.

Some Chinese netizens believe that if it is not for Peking University and Tsinghua University to adopt a reservation system for foreign visitors, help people to make an appointment to enter the school gate, it will not become the "money bag" of the Oath Party.

Peking University lists the appointment notice to visit the campus on the official website.(Beijing University official website)

In fact, Peking University and Tsinghua University have opened the appointment visit for several years. It was not suspended until the outbreak of the crown disease in 2020 and resumed early this month.

Surging News learned from the Tsinghua Defense Office and the North University of Defense that Tsinghua only opens only 4,000 appointment places every day, while the contract is over;The prevails are also over.

But the number of people who want to make an appointment is obviously greater than this number.Taking Zhang Heng as an example, he squatted for three days in a row, including setting up the countdown of the countdown, and rushed into the appointment interface on time, but the results were all empty.

Behind this, I believe it is related to Beijing's summer this summer, and the pilgrimage psychological psychological psychological psychology of the Chinese people.

According to the data of the Chinese tourism platform "where to go", as of July 3, the early reservation volume of tickets for the summer Beijing scenic spot increased by more than four times compared with the same period of 2019. The hotel's pre -booking volume increased six times over the same period in 2019.Some local scenic spots also adopt the reservation system to restrict the flow of people.

Peking University and Tsinghua University, which are well -known in China, naturally also punch in during the tourist visit to Beijing.After all, these two universities occupy a special position in modern history and culture in China; more data shows that since China ’s restoration of the college entrance examination for more than 40 years, Peking University and Tsinghua University have almost won almost all the college entrance examination primers in China.The Chinese prestigious school complex, so it is absolutely indispensable for the light and shadow of Weiming Lake and Mizuki Tsinghua.

On July 15th, at the West Gate of Tsinghua University, tourists were long queues at the entrance.(Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency)

Ox is difficult to rule

Speaking, since the appointment system has been adopted, why is there still a way to let outsiders enter the campus?

According to CCTV reports, in response to this issue, a number of oxen cows were kept silent.An oxen said obscurely "with its own channels" and said it was inconvenient to disclose.Another scalper said that the pricing of more than 300 yuan was not his own price, but "high cost."

Beijing University of Defense issued a report on July 7, saying that an off -campus research team named "Wolf Daddy Tribe" was found to split appointments by contacting the people in the school and borrowing an account to release the appointment help information on the platform.Make appointments from many teachers and students in the school to enter the school.

Peking University's handling method is to close the use permissions of the appointment system of relevant organization personnel and no longer recover.At the same time, the appointment system of the appointment system of the team's school appointment was suspended for two months.

However, this obviously does not play a role in killing chickens and monkeys.On July 24th, Peking University issued a notice saying that an off -campus research team named "Peking University Golden Autumn Summer Customs Course" was split and reserved 139 students to enter the school through reservation of colleagues on July 21 through the way of reservation.10,000 yuan.

Sun Zhifeng, a partner of Beijing Zhuowei Law Firm, believes that there may be some difficulty in governing the chaos of "famous schools".He analyzed: "Some oxen collusion inside and outside, the use of anonymous tickets to the Internet, the number of participants, and the distribution are relatively scattered. Not only is it difficult to cure, but it is difficult to investigate the evidence collection.Punishment standards, but not effectiveStrike."

Further view, behind the endless layers of "famous schools of the school", in fact, the public's demand for the public service attributes of university campus public service.

A large number of tourists lined up at the entrance of the east gate of Peking University on July 15.(Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency)

Should there be walls on campus?

In March of this year, the topic of whether the university campus should be released on Weibo has attracted many Chinese netizens for discussion; about the online voting of about 37,000 people, the 25,000 people believe that "it can be" possible "can" be possible"Open, only 6,200 people think" should not. "

In favor of netizens open to the outside world, "the construction of public universities spent taxpayers' money. Therefore, the university campus should be the university of all people, which belongs to the whole society. The university's libraries, playgrounds, gymnasiums and other public facilities should beLet society personnel have the opportunity to share. "

Some netizens said: "I am a college student. I think it can be open to the outside world, but if you have a strategy, the library laboratory is not suitable.

Fan Xiuxun, director of the Education Evaluation Research Center of Tongji University, also holds the same opinion.In an interview with China News and Weekly, she said that many good universities in China are located in the center of the big city. The traffic is large and the surrounding traffic is complicated.Without entering restrictions, the campus will be uncomfortable.

But in the eyes of Xue Lan, an associate professor of the Department of Tourism at Fudan University, university opening is inevitable.

Xue Lan told the Southern Metropolis Daily that due to the establishment and maintenance of most colleges and universities, the university has the responsibility and obligation to open up to the public.However, she emphasized that, as a place of higher education, the core function of the university is to conduct professional education and training of students in the school, followed by the public."Therefore, the university is open to tourists, and it must be based on the premise of ensuring that the university's higher education functions are not affected, otherwise it will be upside down at the end of this."

Different from the above views, Nie Huihua, a professor at the School of Economics of Renmin University of China and a researcher at the National Institute of Development and Strategy, believes that the campus does not open the campus that has caused "huge obstacles" to the spread of knowledge.

Nie Huihua, for example, said that teachers held lectures on the school, of course, the more people who want to listen, the better, especially for most areas, the communication between the theory and the industry is very important. Scholars also need to need it.Feedback and inspiration from the industry.However, now he no longer hold a lecture, because the basic listeners are all teachers and students in the school, which is actually no different from ordinary classrooms."University is the center of spreading knowledge. Now this closed management is equivalent to the monopoly institution of the university's learning knowledge."

Nie Huihua also pointed out that the campus is not a strict public place in any country, and it is meaningless to discuss extreme conditions.In fact, for Harvard University he has studied, the core area is also prohibited from entering business institutions.

China News Weekly consulted the current campus visits of the top American universities such as Harvard, Stanford University, and MIT, and found that these schools are open to the public, but at the same time, there are different degrees of constraints.For example, at the University of Stanford, the areas opened to the public include its public dining area, outdoor tour area, and places for activities that are open to the public.

In general, it is an indisputable fact that the university itself has public attributes, but this does not mean that university campuses should be fully open to the outside world, especially for visitors to visit at will, which is not the same as ordinary tourist attractions.

For any university, the openness of space is second, and more importantly, it is academic and knowledgeable.