For the long -term corporal punishment of teachers in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China, the local Education Bureau confirmed that there is indeed a matter, and said that the investigation procedures for the revocation of teachers' qualifications have been launched.

According to the China News Agency, a group of chat screenshots circulated on the Internet on July 18.The screenshot shows that the parents of the students who claim to be the Ningbo Huamao Foreign Language School reported on Dai Moumou, the teacher of the school, and listed a variety of acts of corporal punishment and abuse, including penalty stations, licking the floor, and the slap of the whole class.

Benliu journalist contacted a student of a student of Ningbo Huamao Foreign Language School. The parents said that the above group chat content was true, and said that Dai Moumou had worked in Ningbo Shanghai World Primary School.

The official website of Huamao Foreign Language School issued the incident on the same day, confirming that the class teacher and Chinese teacher Dai Moumou had corporal punishment students.

It shows that Dai Moumou has left on July 6, but the school believes that the incident is serious and has reported to the higher -level education administrative department for investigation.Responsibility.

The Ningbo Shanghai World Elementary School, which was involved in the storm, also publicly stated that when the school conducted a background investigation in Dai Moumou's recruitment process, the school received some negative information about its morality and morality. At the same time, whileIt was learned that it involved a corporal punishment incident in the process of handling, so the school terminated the investigation process and did not hire Dai Moumou as a teacher in the school.

The Ningbo Education Bureau issued a notice on Dai Moumou on Wednesday (July 19), saying that the teacher had corporal punishment student behavior, and the investigation procedure for the revocation of the teacher qualification certificate was initiated.As a result, Dai Moumou was dealt with seriously according to law.

At the same time, the Ningbo Education Bureau also issued a notice of rectification to Huamao Foreign Language School, asking the school to implement the main responsibility and comprehensively review the rectification.