A ms flow disaster in Gansu Tibet Autonomous State, Gansu Province, Gansu Province, Gansu Province, Gansu Province, Gansu Province, Gansu Province, Gansu Province, Gansu Province, Gannan, Gansu Province, Gannan Tibet Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, Gansu Autonomous State of Gannan Province, Gansu Autonomous StateThe two died, seven were injured, and the two lost contact.

According to CCTV news reports, the emergency administration of the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province issued news that a mudslide disaster occurred on Monday (July 10) at 11:59 pm on Monday (July 10).As of 9:59 am on Tuesday (July 11), the disaster caused two to die, seven people were injured, and the two lost contact.

After the disaster, Gannan Prefecture immediately launched a three -level emergency response of geological disasters. The main person in charge of the state party committee and government rushed to the scene to deal with the disaster. At presentDisaster relief work.

The 76 households of 76 households in Zhangzigou Village, Madang Town, Hexia County have now been transferred to the resettlement point, and the disaster verification work is ongoing.