People familiar with the matter revealed that the Chinese government plans to strengthen the control and review of the content of the generated artificial intelligence.

The Financial Times on Tuesday (July 11) quoted two people familiar with the matter.Before the artificial intelligence system, the approval of the Chinese regulatory agency must be obtained.

The draft artificial intelligence service management measures announced by the China Internet Information Office in April this year requires technology companies to register with the Chinese government within 10 days after their products are released.However, the proposed new regulations except for the buffer period of these 10 days.

It is reported that the Chinese government tighten the above measures to encourage domestic technology companies to balance between the development of artificial technology and control production content review.The above new rules will be included in the draft regulations as soon as this month.

A person familiar with the China Internet Information Office said that if the Chinese government wants to have a complete control of the content generated by the artificial intelligence system, all technology companies will be requiredChina's official approval.

But the person familiar with the matter also said that regulatory measures must avoid stifling the technological development of the artificial intelligence field, so the Chinese government is still "swaying."

According to the draft regulations released by the China Internet Information Office in April this year, the production content of the generated artificial intelligence service should reflect the core values of socialism.National unification, preaching terrorism, national hatred, and may disrupt economic and social order.

The draft also stipulates that enterprises must ensure that the content is true and accurate, and take measures to prevent false information; prohibit illegal acquisition, disclosure, personal information and privacy and business secrets.Users must provide real identity information in accordance with the law.