The Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands of the Pacific Island State Sogovre on Monday (July 10) held talks with Chinese officials in Beijing, and the two sides jointly announced the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership.Sogovre also signed nine cooperation documents including police cooperation agreement with Police Cooperation Agreement on the same day.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Chinese official met with Sogovarem in the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of the 10th that China and the Solomon Islands are good friends and good brothers who can rely on each other.Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, friendly cooperation has later lived up to the forefront of China's relationship with the Pacific Island country.

He emphasized that China highly appreciates the "one China principle", supports the institute's maintenance of sovereignty, security, and development interests, and support the self -selected development path.

Chinese officials and promised to share the development opportunities brought by the modernization of Chinese -style modernization with the party, strengthen the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and the "2035 Development Strategy" of the Solomon Islands, expand pragmatic cooperation in various fields, expand the advantages of the import of importsProducts help the institute to achieve the development of revitalization and long -term stability.

He also said that China supports more Chinese companies to invest in the Solomon Islands to invest in business, and will continue to provide the party with economic and technological assistance with unprecedented political conditions.The two sides should expand friendly exchanges in medical and education.

Chinese officials also mentioned that China and Pacific Island countries are developing countries, and they should strengthen mutual assistance within the South -South cooperation framework.

He said that China's Pacific island country policy adheres to the "four full respect", fully respects the sovereignty and independence of island countries; fully respects the will of the island country; fully respects the culture of the island nation's national culture;2050 strategy, etc.

Chinese officials also said that China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the institute, adhere to true multilateralism, maintain international fairness and justice, jointly oppose the Cold War thinking and hegemonism, and maintain peace and stability in the Asia -Pacific region.

The two sides jointly announced that the two countries formally established "a comprehensive strategic partnership of mutual respect and common development in the new era."This also means that the Solomon Islands has deepened its relationship with mainland China since the establishment of diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 2019 and formally established diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

Complex Reuters, Agence France -Presse, Bloomberg reports that the Sogovare's office emphasized in a statement that "high -quality infrastructure" is one of the areas that the country enhances economic capabilities to eliminate poverty.

Sogvar also signed a new police cooperation agreement with Li Qiang earlier that day, which is valid until 2025.The two parties also signed eight cooperation projects including civil aviation, trade, economy, technology, and sports.

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogovre (left behind) held talks with Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang (right back) in the Great Hall of the People on July 10, and signed a police cooperation agreementNine cooperation documents.(Reuters)

Australia has always provided police support to the Solomon Islands, but after China and the country officially signed the intergovernmental security cooperation framework agreement last April, the two sides closely strengthened police training and cooperation.Although Sogovre emphasized at the time, he did not intend to allow China to establish a military base on the island, which still caused uneasiness in the United States, Australia and New Zealand.

Sogovre has stated before the visit of China that the Solomon Islands will maintain neutrality under the increasing competition between China and the United States, and give priority to the development needs of their country.

Zhang Deng, a professor at the Department of Political Science, Taiwan University, and interviews with the United Morning Post. For countries such as the United States, Australia and other countries, the relationship between Beijing and Solomon will undoubtedly touched the sphere of influence of the Western camp for a long time after the Second World War.However, he believes that the mainland is unlikely to develop intensive military existence locally in the short term, but to help the country develop economy and public security, and try to promote the "Chinese model".

Song Wendili, a lecturer in the Asia -Pacific College of the Australian University, believes that China is trying to weaken AUKUS's centripetal force through economic ways under the premise of not being positive with the AUKUS.

Sogvarre is expected to stay on Saturday (July 15) in China. During this period, the opening ceremony of the embassy in China will be presided over and visited Jiangsu and Guangdong in the strong economic province.