Following the "spy buoy" incident in February this year this yearChina is reportedly reported to be a acoustic detection buoy under the Arctic Ice.

The South China Morning Post Sunday (July 9) quoted the China Polar Research Center that China has completed the test and assessment of the "superficial surface -luminous acoustics monitoring float system", which will be in the Arctic OceanPut this device.

It is reported that the device can be widely used in under ice communication, navigation and positioning, target detection, and the reconstruction of marine parameters.

With the warming globe, the importance of the Arctic due to its unique strategic location, rich natural resources and potential new routes, the importance of international importance is increasing.The movement of China's buoyant can exacerbate the competition in the Arctic region.

Why do the buoyant?

China's research on the Arctic started late. It was not until 1999 that the first ship was sent to the North Pole. So far, a total of 12 scientific investigations have been conducted.

The United States' research and detection of the North Pole began earlier.In 1974, the National Academy of Sciences proposed the proposal to establish a monitoring network throughout the Arctic Ocean area; the University of Washington established the "Arctic Ocean Floating Plan" in 1978, and in 1991, the "International Arctic buoy plan" was established;Arctic Science Plan.

China has begun to place buoys since the second Arctic Scientific Examination in 2003.From the initial polar satellite tracking buoy, material balance buoyant, to the recently several times of ice -based buoy, marine section buoy, sea ice drift buoy, etc., the number of buoyant placed in China has increased, and the number of buoy categories each time is also increased.

The China Polar Research Center published a paper in the June of Polar Research in June this year, explaining the necessity of Chinese acoustic monitoring buoyant.

Chinese researchers are scientific acoustics on the lake.Monitor the trial.(China Polar Research Center)

The paper wrote that the buoyant lacks used in China's previous scientific research lack of observation of the characteristics of the Arctic Ocean Vocal Field, and the upcoming "Polar Area Ice Symatic Sound Sound Surveillance Monitoring Floating System"It will fill the gap in China's long -term continuous water acoustic monitoring equipment in the high latitude region of the Arctic Ocean.

While laying a buoy, China also has a scientific inspection station at the Arctic. There are currently two.

The "Yellow River Station" established in 2004 is located in the New Olson region of Norwegian Piggen Bergen Islands.stand".

China's "Polar Power" Dream

The Arctic Ice Cuckl has accelerated with global warming.The month is extended to more than half a year, and it is expected to achieve navigation throughout the year in 2040.

For China, the opening of the Arctic Channel means that from Asia to Europe, it no longer needs to pass through the Suez Canal, which can shorten the route of more than 2800 nautical miles and shorten nine days.

COSCO Group, China ’s largest shipping company, sent a“ Yongsheng ”rotation water as early as 2013, from the Northeast Channel of the Arctic to Europe, becoming the first Chinese merchant ship to complete the Asian and Europe routes through the Northeast Channel of the Arctic.

The Ministry of Transport of China said in September 2014 that the Northeast Channel of the Arctic has a preliminary navigation conditions and released the Arctic Navigation Guide in the same month.

2014 is also the 30th anniversary of the first Antarctic inspection of the Chinese organization. At that time, Liu Cui, the director of the State Oceanic Administration of China, proposed at the time that China would develop from a large country to a "polar power".

After the opening of the Northeast Channel from Asia to Europe, China's Eighth Arctic Examination Team took the "Snow Dragon" to successfully trial sailing in the Northwest Channel of the Arctic in 2017 to open the maritime passage from North America to Northeast China.Essence

The State Council of China released China's Arctic Policy White Paper in 2018, proposing that the goal of China's Arctic policy is: "Knowing the Arctic, protecting the Arctic, using the North Pole, and participating, Promote the sustainable development of the Arctic. "

Who controls the North Pole?

The mainland and islands of the Arctic are about 8 million square kilometers. The territorial sovereignty of the mainland and islands belongs to the eight of Eight Arctic of the Eight Arctic in Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United Statesnation.

Outside the mainland and islands, the area of the Arctic Ocean covers an area of more than 12 million square kilometers. Related marine equity shares shared from coastal countries and countries from coastal countries and countries according to international law.

Eight Arctic countries established the Arctic Council in 1996. As a consensus -based high -level inter -government forum, decision -making agencies are ministerial meetings held every two years.

In addition to member states, the Arctic Council also approved 13 non -Arctic countries as observer.Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, and Britain became the first observer in 1998. China became observer in 2013. The same year was approved in India, Italy, Japan, South Korea and Singapore.

At the 12th Ministerial Conference held in 2021, the Council passed the first strategic plan as a guide for the Arctic affairs in the next ten years.

Although the Arctic Directors will clearly exclude military security from their duties in accordance with the Ottawa declaration, the United States and Russia have proposed last year to strengthen their military security in the Arctic region.

The Bayeng government released the new version of the Arctic regional national strategy in October last year, clarifying the main goals and tasks of the United States in the Arctic region in the next ten years, and establishing the four pillars of the United States to safeguard the interests of the Arctic.

It is worth noting that the United States ranks safely in the four pillars, preferentially on climate change, sustainable development and international cooperation issues.The document also clearly states that it is necessary to enhance the existence of the United States in the Arctic region.

Russia announced the establishment of the "Northern Channel General Administration" in August last year to rectify the development of the northern sea road.The Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy also proposed to form a new group army to strengthen Russia's defense in the Arctic.

The changes in NATO members are also affecting the pattern of the Northern Council.Since Finland joined NATO in April this year, Sweden has become the only Arctic country that has not yet joined NATO except Russia.

U.S. President Biden met at the White House on July 5thWhen the Swedish Prime Minister Christeson, he reiterated that he fully supported Sweden to join NATO.

If Sweden joins NATO, Russia will be completely surrounded by NATO countries in the Arctic Council.

China is restrained in the Arctic?

In the white paper released by the Arctic Policy released by China in 2018, China has called itself "near the Arctic State".Although China is trying to expand on the Arctic's land, it is getting more and more hindered.

中国北极黄河站入口外,There are two statues of stone lions.(Reuters)

According to diplomatic scholars, the China Polar Research Center proposed to purchase airports in Kemayervi, northern Finland in 2018 to fly over the North Pole and conduct research activities in other parts of the Arctic.But the Finnish Department of Defense stopped the transaction on the grounds of security.

The report mentioned that China tried to buy a abandoned naval base in Greenland in 2016, but was rejected by Denmark.

Although China has a wall in the Nordic countries, Russia and China cooperation in the North Pole is getting closer and closer.

The Russian Pacific Fleet ship and the Chinese naval ships returned to the Forad Vosteok after completing a joint patrol of the Pacific Water last October.According to the Russian satellite news agency, this is the first time that the Sino -Russian co -formation has arrived in Bai Linghai and bypassed some of the Aliu Islands.

Russian President Putin met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in March this year that Russia and China have a broad prospect for cooperation in the development of northern channel navigation.

At the same time, the United States has also reached a cooperation with Canada to strengthen the capabilities, communication, and data analysis capabilities for the ocean and sky of the Arctic to fight against the military deployment of China and Russia in the Arctic region.Canada said in February this year that China ’s“ spy buoyant ”was found in the Arctic region, just as the United States shot down the Chinese balloon.

In fact, in addition to rich resources and shipping value, the value of the Arctic's military has also made it a must -have place for the main power.Over the Arctic region and the Arctic Ocean Sea are the only way to throw nuclear forces in the world's major nuclear powers, and it is also a flying route for long -range intercontinental missiles. It has extremely significant strategic significance.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Arctic's military and strategic significance even surpass its scientific research and economic value.This also means that when China wants to intensify the Chinese and Western games, it breaks the ice of the Arctic and realizes the ambitions of the "polar power". It is not only a scientific difficulty to break through, but also the obstacles of geopolitics.