Two weeks after entering the Chinese stock market, Hu Xi, a senior media person and official media Global Times, said that the stock price should become one of the assessment indicators for the person in charge of the state -owned enterprise.

Hu Xi entered Monday (July 10) posted on Weibo that on the day of the corporate information query website "Enterprise Check", the commercial registration of the Global Network changed, showing that he would no longer hold his positionIt was an important part of retirement procedures.He said that it reminded him that when he was in office, there were indicators for state -owned assets to maintain value and achieve profits every year, and he believed that all the heads of Chinese corporate enterprises in China faced such indicators.

Hu Xijin wrote: "However, I have been in contact with many leaders and executives of large state -owned enterprises, and I have never heard of the assessment indicators of maintaining the stock price and the company's market value.Research, what about the assessment system of the person in charge of the state -owned enterprise? "

He analyzed that in A shares, the number of state -owned enterprises that contributed most of the profits accounted for 26%.The shareholders have no right to appoint the person in charge of those state -owned enterprises, but what attitude is the shareholder who holds those state -owned enterprise stocks, and it should constitute a element of the evaluation of the person in charge of the state -owned enterprise.

Hu Xijin wrote that in addition to the SASAC in various places, shareholders should also have the corresponding weight of their owners.He believes that the person in charge of the state -owned enterprise should ensure the preservation and appreciation of state -owned assets and to ensure the profit, but they should also be responsible for the interests of shareholders.If the shareholders holding their corporate stocks are miserable and everyone is disappointed and angry, then the evaluation system of the person in charge of the enterprise should be added."They should not only be" upper ", and they should also be awe of the attitude of shareholders."

However, Hu Xijin also said that it should be complicated to believe that this should be very complicated.Because the stock price is not completely linked to the economic benefits of the enterprise, what fluctuations of the stock price are normal and what kind of fluctuation is abnormal. It should be deducted or added to the person in charge of the enterprise.Human arrangements, and there should be rewards if there are penalties.

He finally summarized the feelings of these days, although it is not easy, but I think this thinking should be established as soon as possible and gradually explore.

Hu Xijin announced on June 26 to announce the entry into the Chinese stock market. The next day (27th) said that the first day of profit was 104.7 yuan to achieve "opening the door".However, on the third day of the stock trading, Hu Xijin changed from profit to loss after two consecutive days of profit. On the day, the earnings of more than 200 yuan on the day became more than 300 yuan at this moment.