Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, who is visiting Europe, shouted to the leaders of the German, French, government and business community on many occasions, emphasizing that cooperation with China is not equal to risks, and strives to reverse Europe's "de -risk" trend to China.

Analysis believes that when "de -riskization" has become the mainstream of Europe and the United States policies in China, Beijing tries to persuade Europe. Economic globalization and interdependence are inevitable to prevent "de -riskization" into "de -China".

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang mentioned on Wednesday (June 21) in Paris in Paris dinner that China and France's good political mutual trusts see stability and determine in mutual dependence.Sex and common development opportunities, not risks.

He praised the French government against camp confrontation and decoupling chain, and called on Sino -French entrepreneurs to strengthen economic globalization and jointly maintain the stable and tough supply chain of the China -French and China -Europe industry chain.

On -site video shows that during his speech, Li Qiang specifically mentioned his contact with French companies such as L'Oreal during his tenure in Shanghai, and affirmed that French enterprises insisted on investing in China during the epidemic.

He said: "The multinational company grows up in the sea in the international market. Is there any risk? Your multinational company and your boss have the most judging power. You are the most sensitive, you have the most right to speak."

In March of this year, the European Commission President Feng Delin first put forward "de -risk" when delivering speeches on Europe's strategy.In the past few months, "de -risk" has become the mainstream of European and American policies.U.S. Secretary of State Brillings on Monday (June 19) also said before the end of the visit to China that the United States did not seek decoupling with China, but seemed to seek "de -risk and diversification."However, Beijing believes that "de -risk" is to cover the "decoupling".

Li Qiang also mentioned risk when visiting Germany.He said at the closing ceremony of the Sino -German Economic Cooperation Forum on Tuesday that he opposed the reality of "de -risk" and the "decaptering chain".

He said that German cars have taken the lead in the Chinese market. He has worked locally for a long time. The car equipped with the German car is "we don't think there is any risk."

Li Qiang also said that in China to go to the hospital for a computer tomography (CT) inspection, it also uses the instrument of Siemens.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Qiang said on Monday with German enterprise representatives such as Siemens, Volkswagen, Mercedes -Benz, BMW, and BASF on Monday that he also said that all parties have their own security concerns.Preventing risks, "cannot be exaggerated 'dependence', and even equivalent to interdependence and unsafe."

The director of the EU Research Center of Renmin University of China and Wang Yili, a chair professor of the EU "Mobo", pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that after Europe proposed "de -risk", China and the EU must clarify how to face globalization and how to how to face each other.Facing risks and the relationship between risk and China.

Wang Yili said that Li Qiang takes China's dependence on Germany on automotive and medical equipment as an example to explain economic globalization and interdependence. It is an inevitable trend.Chinese Characteristics".

Since the end of last year, European countries such as Germany and France have released their clear willingness to strengthen economic and trade cooperation with China after the epidemic.German Prime Minister Tsutz visited China last November and was the first leader in Western developed countries to visit China after the epidemic.French President Macron also made controversial European "strategic autonomy" appeal after a state visit to China in early April.

Li Qiang further made a promise of open market while visiting Europe.When he met with French Prime Minister Borne on Thursday, he emphasized that he was willing to promote the balanced development of bilateral trade with France and expand market access.

This is the first foreign visit after Li Qiang has served as the Prime Minister of China, showing that Beijing attaches great importance to stable China -EU relations.

Cui Hongjian, director of the European Institute of China International Institute of International Issues, pointed out in an interview that Europe has more and more emphasized politics and security due to concerns about the deterioration of the geographical environment.Law normal operation.

He said: "One of the most important foundations for China and Europe for many years is that the two sides respect the laws of the market ... Now it will be labeled with values and institutional competition."

In order to rebuild mutual trust, Cui Hongjian believes that China can restore exchanges in various fields as soon as possible to normal state. Beijing can also further release policies and optimize the environment to Europe, and strengthen coordination with Europe on issues such as the Ukrainian crisis.

He said: "Only in this way can Europe believe that China is not as a new hegemony as some Western public opinion says."