After China's loosening crown disease prevention policy this year, the profit of industrial enterprises above designated size has increased negatively for four consecutive months, and the first four months of this year fell 20.6%.

The analysis of scholars interviewed may show that the balance of supply and demand after the Chinese epidemic is disturbed, and the profit of industrial enterprises will not be significantly improved until the end of the year.

The National Bureau of Statistics of China released the profit data of industrial enterprises above designated size from January to April this year from January to April this year, and corporate profits fell 20.6%year -on -year.In April alone, the profits of these enterprises fell 18.2%year -on -year, a narrowing of 1 percentage point from March, which was also narrowing for the second consecutive month this year.

Sun Xiao, a statistician of the Industrial Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, explained the data that the benefits of Chinese overall industrial enterprises continued to recover.However, he also emphasized: "The international environment is severe and complex, the demand is not restricted, and the profitability of industrial enterprises will continue to face more difficulties."

Among industrial enterprises above designated size, the total profit realized by private enterprises has fell the largest, down 22.5%, but the decline was reduced by 0.5 percentage points from January to March; foreign businessmen, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan business investment enterprises achieved a total profit decreased by 16.2%, a decline in the decline, and the decline in the decline.The narrowing rate is large, reaching 8.7 percentage points; the total decline in the total profit of state -owned holding enterprises and joint -stock enterprises has further expanded, a year -on -year decrease of 17.9%and 22.0%respectively, expanding 1 percentage points and 1.4 percentage points.

Among the 41 industrial industries, the total profit of 27 industries decreased year -on -year.Petroleum, coal and other fuel processing industries, as well as black metal smelting and pressure -delay industry, the largest declines, 87.9%and 99.4%, respectively; Chinese computers, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing industries decreased by 53.2%.

The best performance is the power, thermal production and supply industry, as well as electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, with total profit increased by 47.2%and 30.1%year -on -year, respectively.

After the Chinese enterprise is loosened by the prevention policy, it continues to face the severe challenges of weak domestic demand and weak main export market demand.China ’s industrial price index (PPI) in April in China fell to the lowest point since May 2020.This month, key economic indicators such as the total retail sales of social consumer goods and industrial added value above designated size this month are not as good as market expectations.

Some investment banks have therefore lowered the expectations of China's economic growth throughout the year. The estimated figures of Nomura Securities have lowered from 5.9%to 5.5%before, and Barclays reduced from 5.6%to 5.3%.

Faced with the slow economic recovery after the Chinese epidemic, Jorg Wuttke, chairman of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce, said in an interview with the German media South Germany this month that China's economic development is not the same as before.With cautious attitudes, although large companies continue to invest, smaller companies have pressed the suspension key or leave China.

Xie Dongming, director of the research director of the Greater China of Singapore Overseas Chinese Bank, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the profit recovery of industrial enterprises in China ’s regulations is relatively slow, but the significant increase in the profit of electricity and thermal business reflects China's personnel flow, service industry, industry, industryWait for economic activities to improve.

Yao Shujie, a professor of economics at Chongqing University, judged in the interview. There are two guidance for the decline in the profit of industrial enterprises.The first is that the demand side recovery after the epidemic is slower, the supply side recovers rapidly, and disrupted the balance of supply and demand; if this structural problem is about the end of the year, as consumption and employment gradually recover, the profit of industrial enterprise will also improve a lot of improvement.Essence

Yao Shujie said that the second more worrying possibility is that the decline in profitability of industrial enterprises is the embodiment of economic pressure in China.Internal economic transformation and upgrading of China faces greater pressure, and at the same time, it also faces the weakness of important economies such as Germany, Japan, and South Korea, as well as the external pressure of the tight relations between Sino -US relations. If this is the case, the profit of industrial enterprises may take a longerEssence