"The final success rate is very low, and it may not even be 10%. But this is the only way I can help my son, and the only opportunity, so I can't let it go."

The quiet Chongqing People's Park on weekdays has a surge of crowds every weekend this year.

This park built on the mountain is small, only 1.2 hectares, and there are not many landscapes, but it is the first park in Chongqing. It has gone through a century of vicissitudes.The guring roads and stone steps of the park are winding and staggered. It is one of the main channels connecting the upper and lower half of the city, which is close to the Jiefangbei Pedestrian Street.

Just on these narrow and cramped stone ladders, there is a kinship in Chongqing, which is described as "the youngest park in China" by the Chinese media.

It is understood that Chongqing Xiangjin has a history of at least more than ten years, and the largest in the past is in Hongya Cave.However, during the three -year crown disease, the scenic area continued to restrict the current and the people were difficult to enter. The blind date of Hongya Cave was permanently moved to the People's Park in the second half of last year.

Early in the morning on weekends, the batch of parents flock to it, and carefully browsed many single -person information hanging in all corners of this hillside, and did not miss any possible future son -in -law or daughter -in -law candidates.But it is interesting that there are not many young men and women.

The matchmaker in the corner of the blind date pointed out that since the epidemic is open, the demand for blindness has increased sharply, and many Chongqing parents have visited the blind date to find puppets for their children on weekends.

Chongqing Red Mother Liu Jun (60 years old) told the United Morning Post that people's actions were limited during the three -year epidemic period, which led to many offline blind date needs.It is a crowded, "the demand for Chongqing's parents is too great."

Liu Jun pointed out that many parents have been in person because of their busy work and stressful pressure, and they have gone out of the horse to act on behalf of their children's marriage matters.

One weekend visited by the reporter, sinking in Chongqing's father who had been looking for his son for his son for more than a month in the corner of the reporter (50 years old). On the same day, he came to the big sun as scheduled.Looking at the disappointment on his face.

Shen Chengcheng, who lives in Jiefangbei for 20 years, said in an interview that although there are many young women with good conditions in the single person information displayed by the blind date, many requirements are too high. "Not only do you look at the man's work degree, but also requires that there are any job qualifications, but also require that there are any job qualifications, but also require that there are any job qualifications, but also require that there are any job qualifications, but also require that there are any work qualifications, but also require that there are any work qualifications, but also require that there are any work qualifications, but also require that there are any work qualifications, but also require that there are any job qualifications, but also require that there are any work qualifications, but also require that there are any work qualifications, but also require that there are any job qualifications, but also require that there are any job qualifications, but they also require that there are any job qualifications, but they also require that there are any job qualifications.There are houses in the car, three views are positive, grow tall, handsome ... "

Many singles "advertisements" hanging in the corner of the blind date are paid by the parents of young men and women.It will list your own conditions and provide parental contact information.

Many parents present lamented that the blind date corner is actually more like a "hypermarket" and the "game field" between men and women's parents, which is also the epitome of the differentiated and poor economic and poor economics.

Shen Zaicheng said that parents who come to the blind date corner will first choose to choose a spouse for their children, and to find each other through telephone and WeChat.It will ensure that the content of the "advertising" is true, including investigating the other party's real estate, education, work and other information, and verifying that it will promote the meeting of both children.

Because the family is not wealthy, Shen Zaicheng said that many people did not even dare to ask: "We can not meet others, and ask for nothing, it is not interesting."

China ’s seventh national census data released in May 2021 shows that men aged 20 to 40 are 17.52 million more than women, showing that the proportion of Chinese marriage men and women continues to be unbalanced, which also allows women to womenIt is more advantageous on mate choice.

In most traditional Chongqing families, women are a strong party and have economic power, and they also have greater right to speak at home, so that men are more weak in the relationship between the sexes.

Shen Zaicheng said that because there are many men and women who are suitable for marriage, there are many situations of "kneeling and licking" the woman, and the parents of the man are often left out by the woman's parents in the communication.

He pointed out that the conditions for men and women are not equal."If the woman's diploma is undergraduate, she will ask the man to be a bachelor's degree or above. If the woman's salary is about 10,000 yuan (RMB, Same, S $ 1912), she will ask the man to be more than 10,000."

According to Shen Zaicheng's observation, whether the man is currently working stable, led a high salary, and has a house and a car, it is still a key condition for the sought -after corner of the blind date."Even if people are handsome, (height) is one meter eight, but if there is no stable job, does not reach a certain income, and there is no house. The woman will still feel that there is no guarantee, and they will not be willing to know it further." Shen Zaicheng's emotion, the "success rate of success is very low, less than 10%... 99.99%are still watching money, which is very realistic."

Chongqing celebrity Chen Zihan (32 years old), who has a bridge for men and women's parents, also admitted frankly that the success rate of the couple of the blind date corner is "not very high."She pointed out that young people are currently not willing to get married, and many people are just out of filial piety to expose their parents.

Chen Zihan analyzed that young people at the current age of marriage are roughly divided into three categories: the first category is "I can raise myself, yearn for life and be free";Living yourself, it is even more impossible to raise a home. "The third category is" I think (native family) has the bottom of the family, and the unrealistic conditions for choosing a spouse make parents anxious. "

According to Chen Zihan's observation, the second type of people who have greater willingness to get married are currently more willing to get married, but they often lack the material foundation and have to bow to reality.

She pointed out that at present Chongqing girls are "strict" for boys, and they will ask the man to "listen to her" and "the woman requires more, so the woman is quite difficult to match."

Although the success rate is not high, Shen Zaicheng still does not let go of the "only opportunity" for his son, because the social circle of couples and sons is not large.He said: "No one introduces you, you won't play (make friends) yourself, you can only rely on a blind date platform."

Parents: Three years of crown disease impact young people's financial ability

Yu Ping, the mother of Chongqing, in her 50s, also came to the blind date to find a puppet for her son this day.

Yu Ping, who has not yet retired, said that the son's height is close to 1.8 meters, and he looks handsome, but because of their "family conditions", living in a rental house, no house and no car, even if the child is interested in marrying a wife and having a child, it will also be a child, and the child will be born.Unable to bear.

Yu Ping believes that the crown disease epidemic has made the people's livelihood more difficult for three years.She said that before the epidemic, many companies would distribute rewards, gifts and other subsidized living expenses to employees during the holidays, but these benefits were "chopped" during the epidemic, and they did not recover after opening this year.Essence

According to the celebrity, parents and young people who were in the corner of the blind date that day, the current wages of young people in Chongqing are generally low. Generally, the monthly income is only 4,000 yuan to 6,000 yuan.By.

Many young people work in the main city of Chongqing to rent a house, deducting the cheapest house fee of about 1,000 yuan. The rest of the money must be carefully calculated around the aspects of firewood, salt, water, and travel.

Gu Jia, a unmarried girl in Chongqing in her 30s, is one of the few young people who pass through the relationship between the same day.

She told reporters that at present many objective conditions are not conducive to young people to organize families."Now everything is rising, only workIf you do n’t rise, you really ca n’t raise a family.I can support myself."

The employment situation of young Chinese groups has also continued to be optimistic in recent years.According to the latest official data, in April this year, China ’s unemployment rate from 16 to 24 years old reached a new high, reaching 20.4 %, which was nearly four times higher than the national level, an increase of 2.3 percentage points and 0.8 percentage points from February and March.

As more than 11 million fresh college graduates have entered the labor market one after another, the unemployment rate is expected to continue to rise.

Gu Jia pointed out that the current young people do not expect expectations for rising wages because the employment market is not downturn.

She said: "You are not full of wages and don't do it, and the company will not keep you. Anyway, there are many people waiting in line to do it ... It's not that young people don't want to get married, but something can't afford."

Tan Gangqiang, director of the Chongqing Concord Psychological Consultant Office, analyzed in an analysis in the interview that the state of the youth group is divided into three categories.Marriage and family culture.

But he pointed out that at present, because the external conditions are unfavorable, many young men and women dare not think about becoming a family, and must give priority to solving the problem of survival.Birth.

Tan Gangqiang evaluated that the career of modern young people has continued to change. In order to increase the competitiveness of the workplace, the continuous arrangement of further studies will also delay the marriage and childbirth.Based on these factors, the number of young people who are not married, and more people choose to take a step.

By improving the willingness of young people to improve the crisis of population, Tan Gangqiang believes that officials must be more pronounced, first make large economic cakes, develop more industries, accommodate more enterprises, and absorb more employees to improveSolving the livelihood of young people.

He also pointed out that the official control of many social communities at present, and also limits the opportunities of many young men and women to communicate.

Tan Gangqiang believes that China should currently provide more space for social public welfare organizations, and at the same time allow community building to become more active, so as to effectively enhance the opportunities of young people to contact others beyond work."The possibility of choice of love is increased, and the opportunity to adapt is easier to find."

Red Mother: Gao divorce rate exacerbates the psychological marriage of young people

Gu Jia, a young woman in Chongqing, believes that there is a lot of fear of marriage.She said that the current divorce rate of Chinese society has continued to be high, and many young people are also affected by the star couples who have ended with divorce. They have lost their longing and confidence in marriage.

Statistics from the civil affairs department show that China's divorce rate has continued to rise in the past 20 years, from 1.05 % in 2003 to more than 3 % in 2020.The Chinese marriage survey in 2020 also showed that the "post -90s" divorce rate was as high as 56.7 %.

Chongqing Hong Niang Chen Zihan said: "The divorce rate is too high, which affects the young people now. They are afraid of touching marriage. Even if two people are willing to talk about friends, they are still unwilling to get married."

She pointed out that the prosperity of the Red Mother industry after the epidemic was open, and it was also because many Chongqing parents needed the service of lobbying their children.She said: "If you don't do it for him, even if you introduce him a godlike beauty, he will not be in front of him, he don't want it."

On the other hand, Gu Jia also pointed out that the cost of trial error in Chinese women's marriage and error is huge.

According to the situation of her relatives and friends around her, if a woman still wants to remarry after divorce, it is a lot of challenges to find a second marriage with their children, and it is easy to discriminate against the blind date market.

Gu Jia said: "Basically, the man is not very willing to accept it. Even if you just choose an ordinary object, he has to pick you, think you are married to bring a baby. So now the reason why young women are unwilling to get married nowHere here. "

The Chinese population decreased by 850,000 last year, the first time in 60 years, which has shrunk, marking that the population crisis has become increasingly prominent.

Sichuan, the province of Population, announced the new regulations in January this year. Not only will the abolishment of the restrictions that must be married for birth registration, but also the number of children is no longer restricted.However, some netizens questioned the new policy and believed that the situation of "unmarried children" and "illegitimate child" may increase greatly.

Gu Jia believes that in the Chinese population crisis, young people do not get married more serious than aging.

She said that some new policies launched in some places in the near future means that illegitimate children in extramarital affairs will be guaranteed by policy guarantees, which impacts the traditional marriage system. "If this policy is implemented nationwide, the marriage rate may be lower because everyone will be lower because everyone will be lower because everyone will be lower.It's very scared, to be honest. "