(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Commerce of China said that China and South Korea agreed to strengthen dialogue and cooperation in the field of supply chain in the semiconductor industry chain.South Korea requires Beijing to provide predictable business environment for companies in Chinese Korean.

The Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao, on Friday (May 26), participated in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Minister of Trade in Detroit in Detroit, USA, met with the Ministry of Commerce of the Ministry of Commerce of the Ministry of Commerce of the South Korean Industry.

According to the press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of China, the two parties exchanged opinions on maintaining the stable supply chain of the industrial chain, strengthening bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation when meeting.

Wang Wentao said that China is willing to have a way with South Korea to deepen bilateral trade and investment cooperation, maintain the stable supply chain of the industrial chain, and jointly promote bilateral, regional and multilateral economic and trade cooperation to a new level.

The press release also stated that the two sides agreed to strengthen dialogue and cooperation in the field of supply chain in the semiconductor industry chain.

The Korean government's press release is not lifted

However, according to Reuters, the press release issued by the South Korean government on the meeting of the two people did not have a chip -related expression.


Korean press release only mentioned that Andan asked the Chinese government to supply the supply of key raw materials for stable and provides a predictable business environment for Chinese and Korean companies.

A person familiar with the name told Reuters that "South Korea said that work -level officials in all areas of the two countries need to have dialogue" instead of not just semiconductor fields.

China official last Sunday (May 21) for national security, and domestic key information infrastructure operators were prohibited from purchasing products from Micron, a US storage chip manufacturer, Micron.Some analysts believe that South Korean semiconductor companies such as Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix may be profitable because of this, but the Wall Street Journal pointed out that the United States is likely to pressure to avoid the market gap left after Korean companies to fill in the banned.

After China ’s ban on Micron, the Chairman of the China House of Representatives Special Committee of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives, Gragel, called on Washington to rely on South Korea and other allies to prevent Micron from taking the opportunity to fill Micron’ s gap in the Chinese market.