Wang Jianjun, vice chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, said on Saturday (May 27) that the capital market should play a good "barometer" function to reflect the requirements of the modernization industry level and high -quality economic development requirements.Develop and lead outstanding listed companies with scientific and technological innovation and outstanding core competitiveness.

According to the China Securities Network report, Wang Jianjun said at the annual meeting of the China Listed Companies Association (Council) and the 2023 China Listed Companies Summit that at the end of last year, a new round of promoting the three -year action plan for the quality of listed companies has beenStarting implementation, the focus of work has shifted from "governing chaos" to deeper "quality improvement", challenging greater challenges and heavier tasks. It must overcome difficulties and further promote the high -quality development of listed companies.

Wang Jianjun specifically explained the four aspects: First, we must solidify the strong base and build a regulatory system for use.He said that it is necessary to scientifically design the regulatory regulations and regulations, effectively connect the company's law and securities law, promote the introduction of regulatory regulations on listed companies, and use "make up a batch, modify a batch, and stretch a batch".Structure, continuously improve the level of systematic, standardized, and scientific level of regulatory regulations of listed companies.

Second, focus on the problem and standardize corporate governance and information disclosure.Wang Jianjun said that we must vigorously grasp the supervision of corporate governance, create the best practical case creation as the starting point, carry out in -depth corporate governance effectiveness improvement activities, strengthen the awareness of "key minority" governance, strengthen internal supervision and restrictions, improve the performance briefing of listed company performance will be normalizedMechanisms, actively guide various entities to effectively participate in corporate governance, and promote the governance of listed companies to a new level.At the same time, improve the information disclosure system under the comprehensive registration system, strengthen the consistency supervision of information disclosure, improve the quality of information disclosure, and create a more open, transparent and credible listed company.

Third, we must cultivate the survival of the fittest market ecology.Specifically, it is necessary to promote the implementation of the stock issuance system in an all -round way, strictly check the market entrances, continuously enhance the adaptability of the system, guide market resources to inclined to scientific and technological innovation enterprises, and better serve the national innovation -driven development strategy;Optimize mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, equity incentives and other institutional arrangements to support the development and growth of high -quality listed companies; effectively implement the "two unshakables", strengthen cooperation with the SASAC, local governments, etc.Holding the competitiveness of listed companies; creating a fair and competitive market environment, supporting the development and growth of private listed companies, and fully stimulating the vitality of various types of business entities; deepen classification supervision, consolidate the effectiveness of risk companies' voltage drops;Essence

Fourth, we must punish the combination of defense and strictly crack down on financial fraud.Wang Jianjun said that the CSRC will improve the long -term mechanism of preventing the cracking down on financial fraud. In response to key issues such as severe fraud and capital occupation, special governance will be carried out, and the full process supervision of clue discovery, inspection, and disposal will be strengthened.Increase the three -dimensional accountability of "key minorities" and intermediary agencies, and will be included in the scope of blow accountability to other subjects involved in fraud and break the fake ecosystem.

Wang Jianjun emphasized that improving the quality of listed companies is a complex systematic project, but the listed company itself is the internal cause, the main body of responsibility, and the ultimate beneficiary.Each listed company must take the initiative to carry the responsibility of self -standards, self -improvement, and self -improvement, keep in mind the "four awe", keep the "four bottom lines", and truly become the "excellent students" among various enterprises.