Taiwan has once again issued a penalty to Ling Youshi, a representative of the National People's Congress of Mainland China, who was born in Taiwan.When Ling Youshi responded, he vowed that he would never pay a fine to refusing to recognize a Chinese regime.

Lingyou Shi said in an interview published on Sing Tao Headline Network Sunday (May 21) that the regulations of Taiwan and mainland people's relationships cited by this matter are a civil war clause under the legal of the people of the mainland, which is the clause under Chinese jurisprudence, that is, that is, that is, that is, that is, it is, that is, that is, that is, it is, that is, that is, that is, it is, that is, that is, that is, it is, that is, that is, that is, it is, that is, that is, that is, it is, that is, that is, that is, it is, that is, that is, it is, that is, that is, it is, that is, that is, it is, that is, that is, that is, it is, that is, that is, that is, it is a civil war clause.Assuming that the two sides of the strait are in a state of civil war between two regimes in China, they will be punished for their own people to serve the party, government and military agencies, and the crime of betraying the regime.

Ling Youshi said that if the DPP regime acknowledges the 1992 consensus and a China principle, she can consider going back to pay, but even so, this betrayal of the restricted object can only be her own.Military officials of regime.

She believes that ordinary civilians within a country, no matter how the two political groups fight, have the right to choose the objects they want to serve and loyalty.Today, Taiwan claims to be free and democratic, but has retained this punishment mechanism like an iron curtain. It restricts the people's ideological freedom and chooses career freedom. It restricts speeches and crowded out patriots everywhere. It is actually the most authoritarian area.

Ling Youshi said: "If I pay a fine, I will recognize the official practice of Taiwan and think that I have done it wrong. So I think I should never refuse to recognize 'one China' and autocratic.The regime pays fines. "

The Taiwan MAC announced on Friday (19th) that Ling Youshi served as a representative of the People's Congress of the Mainland China, involving violations of the regulations of the People's Relations (Cross -Strait Regulations) regulations in violation of Taiwan and the mainland region.The Ministry of the Interior investigated and dealt with, and fined 500,000 yuan (NT $ 2,947) in accordance with the regulations of cross -strait regulations on May 11.

The MAC explained that the people's congresses at all levels of mainland China organized the political organs (structures) and groups of Article 33 of the Cross -Strait Regulations.member.

When Ling Youshi served as a member of the Mainland CPPCC in 2019, he publicly expressed his support to support one country, two systems. The Ministry of the Interior was fined 500,000 yuan for violating the people's relationship between people's relations in Taiwan and the mainland region, but she did not pay a fine.

Sing Tao Toutiao reported that Lingyou Shi was born in Taiwan, moved to Hong Kong at the age of 17, and later obtained a PhD in political philosophy at the University of Hong Kong. He also served as senior research director of the Central Policy Group.

Liberty Times quoted Taiwanese officials reports that Ling Youshi still has a household registration in Taiwan and has violated the regulations on Cross -Strait. Although Ling Youshi has not paid the previous fine, the Ministry of the Interior must still be crowded in accordance with the law and a penalty was issued again.

Regarding Ling Youshi's refusal to pay a fine, the MAC responded through a written response on Sunday evening that if the parties were uncomfortable, they could follow the procedure according to law.