South Korea has called on China to postpone the certification of compulsory products (CCC) for products such as lithium batteries such as South Korea.

The State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration of China announced in March this year that lithium -ion batteries and battery packs, mobile power supply and telecommunications terminal products used by electronic appliances products/chargers (hereinafter referred to as newly included products) Implementing compulsory product certification management.

The designated certification agency will start to accept the newly included product CCC certification commission from August 1, 2023 and carry out certification.

products that have not obtained the CCC certification and label certification logo shall not obtain factories, sales, imports or use in other business activities from August 1, 2024.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, the National Technical Standards Institute, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Commerce Resources of the South Korean Industry, announced on Sunday (May 21) that South Korea last Thursday (18th) in Beijing (FTA) held in Beijing (FTA) held in Beijing last Thursday (18th).At the meeting of the Trade Technology Barrier (TBT) committee, in order to make relevant Korean companies be adjusted smoothly according to the changes in Chinese policy, it is hoped that China will postpone the new regulations for Korean products.

The National Technical Standards Institute said that the two sides agreed that it is necessary to improve the effectiveness of the mutual recognition system in the field of electrical and electronic products.At the same time, in order to reduce the burden of exports of enterprises in the two countries, the two parties reached an agreement on strengthening the cooperation of factories' review and cooperation plans.

Sources quoted by the Yonhap News Agency reported that China also conveyed requests such as detailed standards for the differential models of electrical supplies in South Korea's in South Korea's certification (KC).