China ’s official Sunday (May 21) criticized the Seventh Kingdoms Group (G7) speculation on issues related to China, and summoned the Japanese Ambassador to China to Dragons and submitted a serious negotiation to Japan.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced on the official website that when the deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sun Weidong summoned the Dangxiufu on May 21, criticized the Seventh Kingdom Group to adhere to the corporate and cold war thinking.

Sun Weidong refers to Japan in the series of activities and joint declarations of Japan's Hiroshima Summit in the Seventh Kingdom Group.Sovereignty, security and development interests.China has strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition.

G7 leader issued a statement on Saturday (20th) that countries will issue early warnings through the "economic coordination and coordination platform" and quickly share information on economic coercion.Essence

Statement says that the increase in economic coercion incidents is uncomfortable, and the coercion has tried to use the economic vulnerability of some countries, and also tried to destroy the internal and external policies and positions of G7 members and partners.

This statement does not name which countries involve economic coercion, but when the British government explains the new initiative, it pointed out that China uses economic strength to coerce Australia and Lithuania.Essence

Sun Weidong emphasized that China has firmly pursued the open strategy of mutual benefit and win -win, and the dirty water of "economic stress" and "debt trap" cannot be splashed on China.The United States is the initiator and the greatest risk of destroying the rules of international order and disrupting the world economic operation.

Sun Weidong called on the members of the Seven Kingdoms Group to follow the trend of openness and tolerance, stop engaged in a small circle of closed row, stop curbing other countries, stop manufacturing and provoking split opposition.