From the Daxing Airport Line of Beijing, China, from Sunday (May 21), you can swipe your hands into the station and take the bus.

According to CCTV news reports, Daxing Airport Line uses palm -patterned biometric technology. Passengers only need to enter the palm pattern before entering the subway and bind them with their own WeChat payment.Pay.

It is reported that this is the world's first subway line to use biometric applied palm -line payment technology, and it is also the first time that the palm -patterned biometric technology is applied in rail transit scenes.

It is understood that the palm mode mainly recognizes the palm lines and palm veins of passengers.After obtaining the passenger's palm line information, confirm the information through the background comparison identification.At the same time, by adopting data desensitization and data encryption technology, passengers' information security is guaranteed.

Reporting pointed out that the future handicap service will gradually be applied to more fields such as office, retail, catering and other fields.