(Beijing Comprehensive News) In response to the Internet, Dalian Wanda Group will conduct large -scale layoffs. The company's response news is not true, but the company is optimizing and involves compression of individual departments.

According to the surging news report, Wanda Group issued a statement on its website on Saturday (May 20), saying that the news of Wanda's large -scale layoffs was not true.Wanda Group said that it is indeed optimized by personnel, involving the compression of individual departments, but there is no large -scale layoffs, and some departments are still increasing personnel.

Earlier, some media reported that Wanda Group plans to launch a large -scale layoffs before June, with an estimated proportion of about 30%to reduce the cost of personnel.

Recently, the debt on Wanda Group's upcoming expire this year, as well as the news that Zhuhai Wanda Commercial Management can list before the end of this year has aroused the market's attention to Wanda.Data show that the current financial pressure of Wanda Group mainly comes from the repurchase pressure on the domestic debt and Zhuhai Wanda listing on the gambling agreement.

Wanda Group is negotiating with domestic banks to try to extend some project loans of Wanda Real Estate Group.