(Hiroshima Reuters) When the relationship between China -Australia has just appeared signs of recovery, Australian Prime Minister Albanis emphasized the reducing joint statement of Chinese trade dependence on the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) and expressed support.

The leaders of the Seventh Kingdom Group have held a three -day summit on Hiroshima, Japan since Friday (19th), and released a communiqué on Saturday (May 20), indicating that he hopes to maintain a "constructive and stable" relationship with ChinaAnd emphasize unintentional decoupling with China or "turning inward", and economic toughness depends on "de -risk and diversification".

According to Reuters, Australian Prime Minister Albanis attended the "Quartet Safety Dialogue" (QUAD) meeting at the G7 summit on Saturday (20th) at the Hiroshima: "I support the G7 about our international relations in the Asia -Pacific regionJournalism. "

Albanis said that Australia has been concerned about Chinese activities for some time in the past.The Australian Ministry of Defense once said that a Chinese fighter jet intercepted an Australian military aircraft over the South China Sea in May 2022.

Albanis said: "We have expressed concern in the past, and we will continue to do this ... What we need to do is to ensure that we can enhance peace, security and stability in the region."

Sino -Australian relations have recently appeared signs of recovery, and China has resumed imported Australian wood.It is reported that Albanis is preparing to visit Beijing later this year.

The "Safety Dialogue" consisting of the United States, Australia, Japan, and India promises to maintain peace and stability in India -Pacific in a statement on Saturday, and "oppose unilateral operations that change the status quo by force."

Statement said that the four countries expressed serious concerns about "militaryization of controversial regions and destroying marine resource development activities in other countries".


statement also said that the four countries are seeking to build a region where the "no country is dominated and no state is dominated".These words seem to be targeted at China's activities in the Asia -Pacific region in an unnamed way.