May 20 has always been one of the peaks of marriage registration in China, but some media reports have been greatly reduced compared with last year.

According to the surging news report, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Civil Affairs had a wedding registration for the newcomers on May 20, and the number of people fell more than 3,500 from last year.

According to the Guangdong Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, a total of 1,2450 pairs were registered on the same day, and the "cross -provincial generalization" was registered with 1813 pairs.According to public information, on May 20 last year, a total of 20,892 provinces in Guangdong registered for marriage.

It is reported that in the general trend of the number of marriage registered people decline year by year, the number of "520" registration in Sichuan, Fujian, Guizhou and other places is also declining.

According to data provided by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, as of 6 pm on May 20, Sichuan had more than 16,000 pairs of marriage registration on the same day.On May 20, 2022, the marriage registration authorities in Sichuan Province handled more than 25,000 pairs of marriage registration.

According to statistics from the Fujian Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, as of 18:00 on May 20 this year, a total of 6270 pairs of marriage registration in the province.On May 20 last year, a total of 10,159 Fujian Province registered for newcomers.