The Chinese Embassy in Japan criticized that the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit encouraged the group's political and camp confrontation, and urged G7 to reflect on its own problems and stop creating opposition and division.

According to the news released by the Chinese Embassy in Japan on Saturday (May 20), a spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Japan said that the G7 held a summit in Hiroshima, Japan to manipulate the issue of China in the joint statement.The so -called economic security documents that inspired China to reflect China rudely interfered in China's internal affairs on a series of issues and insisted on pressure on China. China has strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to this. It has proposed to Japan seriously.

This unnamed spokesman pointed out that the so -called rules and order of the G7 are just a self -interest gang rules and the residue of the Cold War zero.The G7 uses a multilateral mechanism to build a circle of primary schools in China, and it will definitely be attributed to failure.

The spokesman criticized that the G7 summit encouraged the group's political and camp confrontation, and once again exposed the hypocrisy of the G7 mechanism."It must be reminded that G7 is that a few western countries gang gangs to manipulate the world.P> The spokesman finally emphasized that Japan, as the chairman of the G7 conference, should reflect on what they have done. They must not repeatedly violate faith and neighbors.

G7 leaders issued a statement on Saturday that countries will issue early warnings through the "economic coordination and coordination platform" and sharing information quickly. Members will also conduct relevant consultations on regular meetings.The statement said that the increase in economic coercion incidents was uncomfortable, and the coercion tried to use the economic vulnerability of some countries, and also tried to destroy the internal and foreign policies and positions of the G7 members and partners.

The statement of the G7 does not name which countries involve economic coercion, but when explaining the new initiative, the British government directly pointed out that China uses economic strength to coerce Australia and Lithuania.Essence