Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov refers to the decisions passed by the Seventh -Kingdom Group (G7) Summit in Japan.

According to the Russian satellite news agency reported on Saturday (May 20), Lavrov said at the conference of the Foreign and National Defense Policy Committee: "completely publicly determined a task: defeat Russia on the battlefield: defeat Russia on the battlefield, But it won't stop here, remove Russia as a competitor of geopolitics.

Lavrov also said, "Strictly speaking, any hopefulness to gain a certain independent status worldwide in the worldThe country will be suppressed as competitors.Please take a look at this decision discussed and passed at the Hiroshima and G7 summit, which aims to make dual curbs on Russia and China."

Seven Kingdoms Group adopted a new initiative to combat" economic coercion "at the summit held in Hiroshima.The country, but obviously the sword refers to China.

G7 leaders also believe that China ’s rapid expansion of nuclear arsenal is concerned about global and regional stability, and criticize Russia to make irresponsible nuclear remarks, saying that Russia intendsThe deployment of nuclear weapons in Belle is dangerous and unacceptable.