The Ministry of Transport of China on Saturday (May 20) news, a small number of ship bottoms of the Chinese fishing boat "Lu Pengyuan Fishing 028", which was covered in the early morning of Tuesday, exposed the water, slowly drifting towards the west.After calculation, the drift trail has exceeded 100 nautical miles.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the Dragon of the Ministry of Transport "De Tian" Ring on Friday (19th) arrived at the "Lu Pengyuan Fishing 028" over the search and rescue work site at 6:30 pm.The ship conducted survey.

Li Xiaopeng, Minister of Transport, organized a meeting on Saturday to study and deploy subsequent search and rescue work.The Ministry of Transport continues to maintain close communication with relevant departments such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, continue to increase coordination, deduct power, and make every effort to search and rescue the disappearance.

As of now, one of the Chinese search and rescue ships, three warships, two merchant ships, and six fishing boats are still searching and rescue.Sri Lanka warships are expected to arrive on Saturday afternoon with divers.

"Lu Pengyuan Fishing 028" on Tuesday (16th) at 3 am in the Indian Ocean in the middle of the Indian Ocean. At that time, 39 people lost contact, including 17 Chinese crew members, 17 Indonesians, 17 people in Indonesia, and the Philippines.Five people.The Chinese navy ship discovered and salvaged the remains of the two victims on Thursday.