The online Harbin Institute of Technology was on Saturday (May 20, the homophonic "I love you") to two days (May 21), to provide all of the green channels for collecting a marriage certificate for all students.The school responsible for the teacher responded to the media and said that the event was aimed at all Harbin Institute of Technology students in order to facilitate students to marry on two special days.

According to Red Star News, screenshots of the school notice issued by netizens show that the event is the Civil Affairs Bureau of Harbin Institute of Technology and Harbin Nangang District to apply for a green channel for the school's appropriate age students.

The Marriage Registration Office of the Civil Affairs Bureau of the Nangang District of Harbin confirmed to the media that the marriage registration service was jointly launched with Harbin Institute of Technology.A staff member of the Registration Office responded that on May 20th, the marriage registration office normally open marriage registration services to all the reservation Harbin citizens.On May 21st, only students who registered for the registration of Harbin Institute of Technology provided services.

A teacher in charge of the school's marriage registration green channel service revealed that the event was aimed at all Harbin Institute of Technology students, regardless of the grade and education level.By 10 am on May 19, the student marriage registration and registration work has been cut off: "There are still students registered in advance, and we don't know how much."

According to this teacher, this marriage registrationThe green channel service is the first attempt by Harbin Institute of Technology. It aims to provide convenience for students to get married on two special days: "If there is a chance, we may continue this activity with the Civil Affairs Bureau next year.It will be determined next year. "