In response to previous news, "Dalian Wanda Group is conducting large -scale layoffs with a layoffs of 30%", Dalian Wanda Group responded to the media on Saturday (May 20) that Wanda is indeed optimized and involves involving it involves it.The compression of individual departments, but large -scale layoffs are false news.

According to the surging news report, the news that Dalian Wanda Group's upcoming debt and Zhuhai Wanda business authorities can be listed before the end of this year have aroused the market's attention to Wanda."Dalian Wanda Group is conducting large -scale layoffs with a layoffs of 30%." Dalian Wanda Group responded that Wanda is indeed optimized and involves compression of individual departments. However, there are no large -scale layoffs.Increase.Large -scale layoffs are false news.

According to previous reports, Dalian Wanda Group is negotiating with the domestic banks to try to extend some project loans of Wanda Real Estate Group.Dalian Wanda Group currently wants to postpone the principal of loan that has expired this year, but the interest payment is not postponed and is still willing to pay interest.Dalian Wanda Group did not plan to extend all its loans, but just wanted to extend the project loan that was not so ideal for sales.