According to the official website of the General Administration of Sports, on May 19, the mobilization and deployment meeting of education and rectification of education in the national football field was held in Beijing.Gao Zhidan, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the General Administration of Sports, gave a mobilization and deployment speech.The meeting was chaired by Wang Rui, deputy secretary and deputy director of the General Administration of Sports.Li Yingchuan, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the General Administration of Sports, read out the General Administration of Sports on the education and rectification of education and rectification in the national football field.Xi Yan, a member of the Party Group of the General Administration of Sports and the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the General Administration of Sports, Liu Guoyong, Zhou Jinqiang, and Zhang Jiasheng attended the meeting.The 27th Guidance Team of the Central Committee of the 15th Inspection Team and the Central theme Education attended the guidance.

(Source: official website of the State General Administration of Sports)

The education and rectification of education in the national football field will be based on the principles of strictness, problem -oriented, comprehensive coverage, and steadily advancement. Through ideological education, review and rectification, and consolidation and improvement, three basic units are improved.Comprehensively and strictly govern the party, improve the rules and regulations, strengthen the implementation of the system's binding power, strengthen the construction of work style and discipline, and focus on solving the outstanding problems of national football practitioners in terms of thinking, work style, discipline, management, supervision, and implementation. , To promote the significant strengthening of party leaders in the field of football, significantly improved political standing, significantly improved the spirit of struggle, significantly improved internal management, significant awareness of institutional awareness, significant awareness of integrity, significantly rotating industry atmosphere, significantly optimized development environment, effectively improved improvementNational team work style construction level, reserve talent training effect, professional league governance ability.

Gao Zhidan pointed out that in order to improve political standing and deeply understand the significance of education rectification. Carrying out education and rectification is a realistic requirements for comprehensively implementing the overall plan of China's football reform and development and promoting the reform and development of the football industry. National football practitioners must effectively enhance the sense of urgency, responsibility and mission, adhere to the direction of reform, and based on work positions.In sinking down, carrying responsibilities, putting them into action, and a long time, starting with education and rectification as the starting point, reorganizing the new Long March of Chinese football, and made due contributions to accelerating the construction of a sports power.

The main person in charge of the sports administrative department of all provinces, districts, municipalities, and Xinjiang production and construction, head of the relevant functional departments of the General Administration of Sports, head of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the General Administration of Sports, The head of the China Football Association The person in charge of the working group of the China Football Association, the head of the leading group of education and rectification of the national football field attended the conference at the main venue.All provinces, districts, municipalities, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Sports Administrative Department members, the person in charge of the organization of personnel departments, and disciplinary inspection departments, and members of the provincial football associations attended the video branch venue.

In March of this year, on the "Ministerial Channel" of the National Two Associations, Gao Zhidan, Director of the State General Administration of Sports, said in response to the "three major balls" related issues that seeking truth from facts, for a long time, for a long time, the three major major in our country have been in my country for a long time. The development of the ball, especially the men's project, the level of men's football has declined all the way, and many chaos in the football industry has a strong contrast with the party's central and national people's requirements and expectations for us.

"The determination to go with the meal medicine and the cure of the centered chaos, focus on the prominent problems such as the mental weakness, righteousness, and lack of style in the current" three big goals' "work.. Resolutely crack down, severely punish the corruption and fake black bets in football and other fields, righteousness and discipline, strict discipline, improve the system, strengthen the rules, comprehensively restore the good ecology of the three major balls' healthy and sustainable development.. "Gao Zhidan said.

In April this year, the 15th Inspection Team of the Central Committee entered the Party Group of the State General Administration of Sports.The inspection team requires that the party group of the State Sports Administration should improve its political standing, deepen the spirit of the Central Committee of the Party, and effectively unify the mind and action into the party's central decision -making deployment to enhance the sense of responsibility and mission.The inspection task given by the Good Party Central Committee.

Gao Zhidan said that the party group of the State General Administration of Sport should deepen sports reform and improve institutional and mechanisms with the spirit of daring to fight hard fighting and dare to "hard bones".It is necessary to unswervingly and anti -corruption, comprehensively regulate the governance of the sports industry, reshape the righteous environment of the wind and clear the air, and strive to promote the high -quality development of the sports industry with the spirit of re -taking the Long March, and accelerate the construction of a sports power.

Source: official website of the State Sports General Administration