The highest limit standard for wedding gifts in many places in Jiangxi, China. The total disposable income of local rural residents is about three times, which is a high -priced gift.

According to China Surging News on Thursday (May 18), in order to curb high -priced gifts, all parts of China have developed the highest limit standard for color gifts, but the calculation method is often not specified.Jiangxi has determined the Limit Limited Standard this time, and proposes about three times the calculation of the per capita disposable income of local rural residents.

The government of Longxi Town, Linchuan District, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi, announced that the amount of color gifts reached more than three times the per capita disposable income of rural residents in Linchuan District in 2022, which is a high -priced gift.

The towns and departments of Jinxi County, Fuzhou City are required to strictly implement the standards for rural wedding gifts. In principle, it does not exceed three times the per capita income of the previous year, that is, 60,000 yuan (RMB, the same as 80,600 under 80,600New Yuan).

The office of the Lushan Civil Affairs Bureau of Jiangxi, the implementation rules for the implementation of the special governance work of the rural wedding ceremony in Lushan City to determine the maximum standard for the rural color gift in Lushan City is 60,000 yuan, exceeding this standard as a high -priced gift.