Dalian Ganjing Zigongan issued a notification on Wednesday (May 17), and the public security organs received reports on Tuesday. The Weibo user "Huahua Weiyang HWY" released the improper remarks of the soldiers.After review, the netizens involved in the incident have been punished by administrative detention by the Ganjing Zigong Security Bureau in accordance with the law.

The report pointed out that the Ganjing Zigong Branch immediately organized police forces to conduct an investigation after receiving the report. At 20:10 on that day, he summoned Shi (female, 34 years old, employee) to the public security organs.

After review, Shi Mou acknowledged that he published unsatisfactory remarks involving soldiers online in order to vent his personal dissatisfaction.At present, Shi Mou has been punished by administrative detention by the Ganjing Zigong Security Bureau in accordance with the law.

According to netizens news, a netizen with a Weibo account "Huahua Weiyang HWY" commented on the topic of "Swordsman Culture's talk show artist House being accused of offense of the PLA" on May 16th.I believe that the artist should not be permanently blocked, and a comment was also published at the same time: "Isn't the soldier brother who is all a dog brother?"The netizens were then reported by other Weibo users.

Xiao Guo Cultural talk show actor House (Li Haoshi) was previously accused of using words to insult and insult the PLA and was filed for investigation.Swordsman Culture Company was also fined more than 14 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 2.69 million), and it was prohibited from performing in Beijing indefinitely.