Chen Jiehao, Minister of Government of the Ministry of National Development and Communications of my country, said that in the face Continuously growing, a year -on -year increase of more than 30 % year -on -year, indicating that the channel is a feasible solution for replacing traditional trading routes.

Chen Jiehao appealed in Chongqing on Thursday (May 18) that with the increasingly mature channels of Luhai, especially under the rapid development of science and technology, Xinyu must continue to increase the value of the channel and keep up with the pace of industry needs.

Chen Jiehao, a new member of the China New Chongqing Project Joint Implementation Committee (JIC), was visited by Chongqing after nearly four years due to crown disease epidemic.Yuan Jiajun and Mayor Hu Henghua of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China attended the forum.

Chen Jiehao pointed out that since the establishment of the Luhai New Channel, it has helped promote regional economic integration by providing faster and more efficient connections in western China, Southeast Asia and other regions.

Chen Jiehao also called on Xinyu to continue to increase the value of the channel, including digitalization to make transactions more efficient and secure.He pointed out that by digitizing trade documents, it can reduce fraud, improve financing channels, and promote the rapid flow of goods; in addition, digitalization also improves the level of visualization, so that the company can actively adjust operations, especially when facing crisis.

He also pointed out that the customs in Singapore and China have connected the "single window" system between the two countries to achieve the exchange of electronic trade documents and data; the two countries have also been working together to explore goods transported along the channel.Use electronic bills, including trade financing.These joint initiatives will allow trade documents to be seamless and securely exchanged to reduce the transaction time and cost of channel users.

Chen Jiehao emphasized that the overall environment of Xinyu is very conducive to making more innovation and deployment in the digital field.He pointed out that China's digital economy scale ranks second in the world and is one of the most vibrant countries; the digital economy in Southeast Asia is expected to grow rapidly by 2030 to $ 1 trillion (S $ 1.34 trillion). At the same timeIt's still an open and inclusive platform.

Chen Jiehao also welcomes early adopors, users, digital solutions and platform providers to join the construction of the Luhai New Channel to further improve the channel and benefit everyone.