Special representative of Chinese government Eurasian affairs Li Hui in UkraineDuring the interview, it was said that resolving the crisis requires all parties to accumulate mutual trust, create the conditions for stopping war and talks, and emphasized that China has always played a constructive role in alleviating the humanitarian situation in its own way, and will continue to provide the help of Wu.

According to the press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Thursday (May 18), Li Hui during the visit of Ukraine on Tuesday (May 16) and Wednesday (17th), Ukraine President Zeelianzki met with LiLi Hui, Li Hui also held a meeting with the heads of the Presidential General Office of the Presidential Presidential Office, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the heads of infrastructure, the Ministry of Energy, and the Ministry of National Defense.The two sides exchanged opinions on political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis and China -Ukraine relations.

The Chinese press release stated that the two sides agreed that the call between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Zellegsky not long ago pointed out the direction for the development of China -Ukraine relations.The tradition of each other continues to advance mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries.

Li Hui explained China's position on political resolution of the Ukraine crisis, saying that Xi Jinping's "four should", "four commons", and "three points of thinking" are the fundamental fundamental Chinese political solution to the Ukraine crisis.follow.

Li Hui emphasized that resolving the crisis does not have a pitch, and all parties need to start with themselves, accumulate mutual trust, and create the conditions for stopping war and talks.On the basis of the Chinese position document about the political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, China is willing to promote the international community to form the largest convention to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, and make its own efforts to stop fire and restore peace as soon as possible.China has always played a constructive role in alleviating the humanitarian situation in its own way, and will continue to provide help to Wu.

According to Reuters, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Wednesday that "Kulba stated to the Chinese government's special envoy thatHe emphasized that Ukraine will never accept any claims involving the loss of territory or frozen conflict. "

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, China has never condemned Russia's war against Ukraine, nor did it" special military officers in Russia"Action" "invasion".This position has triggered criticism in Europe and the United States, questioning China's reliability as a conflict coordinator.

In addition, the Kyodo News Agency reported on Tuesday that the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a notice on May 10, urging the embassy in China and international organizations not to use the exterior walls of resident buildings for political propaganda, "avoid causing the country among the countryconflict".Some diplomats believe that this is the Ukrainian flag displayed for them.

After Russia invaded Ukraine in February last year, many embassies including Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Germany and Poland in Beijing passed on the Ukrainian flag outside the museum, or hung up the Ukrainian image to convey their supportInformation, such as "we are with Ukraine."